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I sat on the fountain, my heart straining my very soul as I watched her, Millie Maryland. She was beautiful, the most perfect girl I'd ever seen but I'd never gotten enough courage to speak to her and even if I did, her father owns half the town and I sleep under a boat she'd never even look at me.

I'd do anything to get her attention and hopefully to make her fall desperately in love with me but I can't afford grand gestures or impressive flowers. What am I gonna do! She went off with her father so I headed to the library the one place in town with a roof and heat that wouldn't kick me out simply because I had no money I grabbed my favourite book to pass the time and sat beside the large fireplace reading the detailed analysis of monsters and magical creatures reaching sections in the book I didn't usually reach.

sandigal fairies are typically small and solitary creatures living alone in the caves beside sandy beaches they are known to come out at night and dance like fireflies with waves kissing the sand. They are very hard to find but very powerful as there dust has been known to heal many emotional aliments and it is said that some brave and True hearted souls can receive potions from these fairies that when mixed with other items can create powerful tonics and potions most notably mixing sandigal fairy potion with tulip blossoms can brew attraction tonic and love potion.

Love potion! That's what I need, and I live on the beach! I need to find a fairy!

I went searching in every cave along the beach so much so I'm not sure how far is travelled but I couldn't even see town anymore I sat in the sand about ready to give up on this stupid endeavour all together, when I saw a sweet sight what looked like a large firefly dancing along the edge of the oceans waves heading off towards a cave I quickly got up and followed it until I reached the mouth of the cave and I heard the sweet singing within so I quickly went inside and saw a very very beautiful fairy now as tall as me in a little blue dress with sweet purple wings she jumped as she saw me

"Huu! Who are you!"

"It's okay I mean you no harm little fairy," I told her "I uhhh I heard that you could give me a potion to help in love"

"Oh, I see." She says "your looking for potion ingredients"

"Yes exactly, the book said only brave true hearted souls can receive it. Is there any chance I could?"

"Well, it's less about being brave more about just physically being able to get it" she shrugs

"I uhh I don't follow"

"Did your little book tell you how we make the potion?"


"We make it, inside us"

"I- I have to hurt you?"

"No, no. We make it inside us and then realise it when we get happy enough"

"Happy enough?"

"And the person has to make us that happy hence why many find it so difficult"

"I have to make you happy?"


"That's difficult?"

"It can be, pace, style, general incompetence. Most boys are usually not great at it"

".... Wait, are you telling me, the potion is basically fairy squirt?"

"Pretty much" she shrugs

"Ohh ... I guess that makes sense for love potions? Your okay with me?'


"Uuhhhhhh I don't know how I feel about this"

"How badly do you want your potion?"

"Pretty damn bad. Alright let's do it, I uhh I should probably know your name first right"

"Y/n" she smiled "and you are?'

"Lampwick, so uhhh how do you want to do this?"

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