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I stood as I often did on a Tuesday morn, outside the little sweet shop with my broom in hand sweeping the steps and street outside the shop.

"Uuuhh hi y/n" I heard a familiar voice smile so I looked up and I saw lampwick a boy I knew well, he lived on the streets and often got himself into trouble because of it, but we were friendly you could say helped he and I where of a very similar age.

"Oh good morning lampwick, something I can do for you?" I asked

"Well if you have any of those... uhhh burnt sweet bread's, perhaps?" He asks

"I might, why?"

"Well I have a few pennies spare" he says

"Alright, but not a word to my father" I told him hurrying in the door grabbing one of the burnt sweet breads we had on the edge of the counter for cheap and going back out to him

"Aww thank you y/n" he smiled handing over a few pennies not enough for it but it's lampwick so I don't mind giving him discounts "ummm it smells lovely."

"Your welcome, enjoy it"

"I will, ohh and uhh I know you're off early tonight so, did you maybe wanna go for a walk by the beach?"

"Of course that would be lovely lampwick" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss which made him blush hard and scamper off to wherever he was going sweet bread in hand.

I finished up locking up the shop for the day my father long since taken his bed and I heard out into the square standing by the fountain in our usual spot luckily I wasn't waiting long.

"Hi" he smiled fixing his hair a little

"Hello lampwick" I smiled

"So you still want to go?"

"I would love to" I smiled taking his hand he happily kissed my hand and we went for our usual walk along the edge of the beach watching the waves lick the sand chatting about everything and nothing since our last walk together and he kept giving my hands sweet kisses "lampwick" I giggled pushing him away a little "enough kisses"

"Sorry y/n"

"It's alright why do you like giving my hands kisses so much?"

"Well it's the only place I can kiss a polite honorable lady" he says as we sat on the bridges stone walls "without getting her in trouble. That and I'll be honest y/n your hands taste like toffees"

"Do they?"

"Yeah like toffees and lemon drops and other lovely sweets you've been making all day" he smiled

"Starting to wonder if you actually like me lampwick or if it's just sugar contact"

"No! Of course I like you. I really do. I'd court you if I could. But I don't think your father would let me."

"Why not?"

"I live in a upturned boat on the beach? I have exactly four penny's to my name three of which I stole. I have nothing to offer no future or proof o can provide for his daughter"

"Aww lampwick I don't care about that and neither does my father honestly he just wants me to get married so I'd have a husband to help me run the shop"

"Really? Then why do we have to be so secretive?"

"I don't like to worry him" I shrug "you really would like to court me?"

"Of course I would"

"Alright, how about I make dinner tomorrow night and you can come over and probably meet my father?"

"You'd let me?"

"Of course"

"Id be delighted y/n" he smiled giving my cheek a little kiss before he sweetly walked me home.

I made sure dinner would be ready on time my father sat making notes about the shop while I cooked,

"y/n? Why have you got three plates out?' he asked slightly puzzled

"well father we have a visitor joining us tonight"

"a visitor?"

"a visitor"

"I take it a visitor you like very much?"

"very very much and he's very egar to meet you and have chats with you"

"I'm sure he is"

Just then the door knocked so I happily sent over letting him in even if it was clear he was very nervous

"hello sir"

"hello? Mr?"

"oh lampwick sir. I uhh your daughter invited me for dinner"

"I see" he says "come"

Lampwick went over his nerves almost causing him to shake

"you like my daughter?"

"very much sir"

"I take it your looking for the formalities?"

"yes please sir"

"alright we'll see how dinner goes" he says making lampwick sit down at the table with him, I was a little nervous but I served dinner and listened to conversation he was doing his best making a few innocent mistakes but it was adorable to watch until it got late lampwick even helped me with the dishes

"you should get going now lampwick" my father said

"I should yes, it was lovely to meet you and dinner was fantastic y/n" he smiled giving my hand a kiss as he got up ready to go

"lampwick, didn't you have something to ask my father" I reminded him

"of course yes, uhhh I its early days sir but uhh I really really like your daughter do you think it's possible I could have permission to court her?" Lampwick asked blushing hard

My father thought for a moment getting up from the table "yes." He nods and we both breathed a little better "you may court my daughter, but you will not leave her hanging. If you court my daughter I don't want you courting any other girls in town, and if you haven't made some... Formality within the year I won't let it continue. You understand me?"

"yes sir. Thank you so much. And that won't be a problem the only girl I have any interest in is y/n, and a year seems a little long to be honest"

"perfect. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again soon"

"you will, have a nice evening both of you and uhh y/n did you want to go for a nice walk by the river tomorrow afternoon?"

"I'd love to lampwick" I smiled giving his cheek a little kiss before he headed off back to his boat

"nice boy" he says

"he is, he's a lovely boy" I smiled

"you wanna marry him? Don't you?'

"I do" I blushed

"alright, give it time see how I goes. Goodnight y/n"

"goodnight father"

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