uuhh... meow

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I sighed, the damn but no nonsense I get wrapped up in! Isle of toys, I didn't even wanna go! Pinocchio wanted to go and he's fine! I get transformed! What the damn hell I managed to get my way out of the mess of clothes and bedding everyone had been turned into animals but pinocchio who has ran off to get help, I saw dogs, horses, donkeys mostly all work animals I found a mirror and I wanted to fucking scream. "I AM A KITTEN!" 

I could have been a wise owl, I could have been a cool monkey, I could have been a alligator but no I get fluffy tiny little kitten! 

The doors opened and they began forcing everyone out the room to go and be sorted I followed seeing as where being organized and shipped off various places, I did my best to be quick and quiet slipping away out to the land of toys fair dark and cold since last night, I found the cart we all came in on yesterday just about to leave so I made my break and hid in the carriage lucky as moments later he left, I staid for a while keeping track of where we were. When I saw our little town I jumped off it dark and cold with gentle rain falling.

I have have to find y/n she's a witch, she can fix this I did my best avoiding people and dogs but I was so small now a walk that took a minute now took an hour, and my sense of direction was terrible when I'm this small I sat on the fountain trying to avoid the rain trying to think of my directions when I heard a noise, someone came up to the fountain I turned and saw this large horrific dark creature for a moment I thought it was death to claim me but

"Aww hello there" she smiled moving to kneel by the fountain


"What's wrong? are you lost little guy?' she asks sweetly 

Ohh no she can't hear me she doesn't know it's me! 

"Come here sweetie, let's get you someplace warm" she smiled scooping me up In her arms and cradling me as she took me back to her warm cosy house "there we go little guy" she smiled putting me down by her fire soon enough she came back with a blanket, a bowl of water and some chicken which I did take as I was pretty hungry "there, all nice and snug. Just don't tell lampwick he'll get jealous" she smiled giving me a little pet 

'uuummmmmm this is so cosy, wait! What does she mean I'll get jealous! To be fair I was kinda jealous of her old cat, he got his own bed, water fountain and as many kisses as he wanted, I get a kiss if I'm good and I ask nicely'

After a while of doing things she locked up and went to bed, I smirked a little watching her get into her little nightie and once she was in bed I went over looking at her 

"Aww you wanna cuddle, okay then little guy come on" she smiled patting her bed I didn't need to be told twice jumping over and nuzzling up to her chest as she gently pet me so much I was purring "awww you sound happy little guy" she smiled

'ummm I could get use to this. Maybe I'll stay a kitty cat just a little while longer' I smirked nuzzling I to her chest having my head resting on her breasts, we slept together all cosy and warm I did rather like being her little kitten but when I woke up something was different I was still warm and cosy nuzzled with y/n and her soft boobs but I felt weird I don't feel that tail anymore, and I feel… bigger 

"Uh! Lampwick!" I heard her yell I opened my eyes noticing I was still with my head in her chest all cosy with her, completely naked, but I wasn't a cat anymore I was a human, and she's looking at me.

"Uuuuhhhhh…. Meow" I gulped 

"What are you doing in my bed!" She yelled sitting up pushing me away 

"I'm sorry y/n, you know how I was going with pinocchio to the toy island?"

"The place I specifically told you two not to go"


"What about it?"

"When we woke up we where all animals pinocchio ran off for help, I managed to escape and I came to find you in hope you'd change me back, luckily you found me but I couldn't speak to you"

"Ohh, you poor thing, lucky I picked you up then"

"Do you do that alot to cats?"


"You found me on the street and I was snuggled in your bed in your boobs all night"

"Are you actually jealous of you as a cat?"

"Yes! He got boob! I never get boob! I have to ask for cheek kisses and you let any cute kitty come snuggle in your bed"

"Ohh grow up lampwick" she sighed giving my lips a little kiss 

"Umm, can I… have some more" I smiled nuzzling with her neck letting her pet my hair "or do I have to be a cat to get that kinda attention"


"Ummmm meow. Meow. Meow." I pouted 

"Alright lampwick" she giggled letting me snuggle with her 

"Uhh… why did I change back?'

"I have a charm on my house, reverts all spells at midnight, I use it for mistakes and such"

"Ohh. I knew you'd fix it" 

"Umm, but remember lampwick if you missbehave I can turn you back into a cat"

"Fine. I liked it better. I got kisses. Boob. And I was perfectly cuddle sized. You picked me up and carried me I was so cosy" 

"You can have those if you ask lampwick"

"I could! I've been asking for little kisses and I could have been asking for anything?"

"Yes lampwick, now come on let's get some more sleep kitty boy" 

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