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I woke up so very happy, in a warm cosy bed with pillows and blankets, I felt utterly spoiled. I pushed myself up and stretched, I heard my back click and crack. And I yawned so much that even my jaw clicked. I smiled as I saw y/n in her cute cotton nightie fast asleep on her pillow. She had been cuddling me but I assume her dreams had led her away. I gave her a sweet soft kiss and as I climbed out the bed I happily tucked her in to keep her toasty. I headed to the small bathroom and dealt with my normal business when I returned I saw her sitting up with a tea 

"good morning lamp wick" 

"Good morning y/n, you sleep alright?' 

"Of course, did you?" 

"I always sleep well on days I get to stay with you" 

"Hummm" she smiled putting her tea on the side "Come on" she cooed opening her arms

"Yes mistress" I smirked crawling into bed with her and giving her some kisses she happily let me cuddle her pulling me so I could nuzzle into her chest and she could pet my hair 

"Aww such a good boy, I'll take good care of you" she cooed kissing my head and soothing me with her gentle strokes 


"Happy boy?" 

"Very happy my mistress" 

"I think we can do better" she smirked tugging me closer so I could lay with my head in her lap 

"Ummmm very cosy" I cooed nuzzling closer to her and trying to give her thighs little kisses but she stopped me 

"No no, I want to take care of my little boy" she smiled tugging her nightie down a little to better expose her cleavage 

"Really mistress?" 

"If you would like, you've been ever so good these last few days" 

"Ummm yes please my mistress"

"Alright then" she smiled tugging down her nightie completely to reveal her bare breasts I sat up a little already overwhelmed with excitement I took them both in hand feeling the weight of them in my palms before squeezing and fondling them around shifting the weight of them in my hands which made her giggle she always giggles at me when she lets me play with these, something about my utter addition to it seemed to amuse her, perhaps it was that she could do so little to entertain me, I gently began to pepper her neck with little kisses moving down her chest and kissing the top of her breasts but she pushed me away to lay back in her lap 

"Bu-But mistress? what did I do?" I pouted

"Nothing, I just thought you'd like something a little different" she smiled playing with my hair she leant a little so her breasts hung over me so I smirked and eagerly kissed her breast that hung above my mouth gently running my tongue across her nipple feeling it get hard for me, so I clamped my lips around her nipple kissing, sucking and flicking my tongue against it to provide her with the sweet pleasure, Of course, I was enjoying myself from just pleasing her but her hand stroked my stomach before moving down under my shorts and taking a firm grip of my erection she chuckled at me slyly before she began to stroke from base to tip. I moaned as she did forcing myself to pull away

"Ughhhhhhh mistress!" 

"Such a good boy, a good big boy" she giggled as her strokes became far more intense her hand fully wrapping around my shaft becoming utterly merciless

"Ughhhhhhhhhh mistress- Ughhhh!" I moaned but she smiled and cradled my head so I happily sucked and plaid with her nipples partly because I wanted to please her and because I knew it would keep me quiet and I just really like sucking on them. admittedly I wasn't the best at doing so often getting lost in the pleasure of her hand I knew I was close and she knew too which only made her work harder I did my best to please her as much as she was to me but I hit my wall so suddenly my hips bucking up as my jizz spurted across her hand and my stomach I pulled away to gasp trying to get my head straight "I'm sorry mistress- I'm sorry it was so sudden-" I began but she shhed me

"Naughty boy not letting me know," she says cleaning me up with a little tissue from her table I sat up nervously I felt awful for cumming so early but she smirked and tapped her thigh I sheepishly shook my head and She glared "Excuse me. Come on," she says tapping her thigh again and I knew what I was in for 

"Yes mistress" I nodded laying over her thighs this time on my stomach and she wasted no time stroking the small of my back before firmly spanking me "Ughhh! mistress-" 

"Naughty boy" she giggled doing it over and over and over I bit my lip trying not to reveal just how much I liked it "You're what lamp wick?" 

"I'm a naughty boy, my mistress should punish me" 

"Yes, I should," she says spanking me even harder "Will you be good now?"

"I'll be a very good boy for my mistress," I told her 

"Good" she smiled 

"Maybe I uhh maybe I'm still a little naughty" I told her 

"Are you now?" she glared 

"Well if you're still naughty" she smirked spanking me again 

"Ummmm very naughty mistress, you might just have to spank me all day" 

"That can be arranged lamp wick" she smirked "But I worry you won't learn. You seem to enjoy your spanking a little too much and that might encourage you to be naughty." 

"I'll be good mistress I promise, Just a little more to really get the naughty out of me" 

"Alright then we'll try again and see if this time my little boy can tell me he's about to cum" she smirked spanking me again 

"Ummmmm yes mistress"

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