A Warm Bed

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I sat on the stone bridge watching people go back and forth through the town, the sun slowly setting across the sea, it quickly turning cold as the darkness began to creep in. I knew the choices I had.

I could go and huddle under the bridge between the grey ice-cold stones and the little waterway.

I could go and huddle myself under my boat and hope the tide doesn't come in tonight but I could already see it was getting close.

I could find myself an alleyway to hide in for the night and fight with the rats for the burnt bakery scaps. 

I sighed attempting to make a decision on where I was going to stay the night tonight, when I spotted a sweet sight.

I saw y/n, across the way gathering in the laundry for the hotel, all the sheets and such like from the line outside them. In her long beautiful grey dress and apron her hair in a long braid, as she gathered the laundry in her basket she saw me and smiled at me 

I smiled back at her, and she gave me a sweet little wave so I did one back, she finished up and looked into the open hotel backdoor, "Come on" she smiled 


"Yeah come on" she smiled, 

I happily grabbed my bag and rushed off into the little alley with her "Hey"

"Hey" she smiled giving my nose a little kiss "there is a spare room in the hotel tonight"

"There is?"

"Yeah, come on" she smiled so I happily took the laundry for her and we hurried inside the hotel I helped her put the laundry away in the stock room, and she got the key from the desk "Room 105. It's empty till Sunday. Usually me and the other maid rock and paper for it, I won but I know how rarely you get a warm bed" she smiled

"You don't have to do anything for me y/n"

"well I like to, whenever I can" she smiled "come on" she cooes holding my hand and hurrying up the stairs being quiet and secretive up to the little hotel room with the sweet bed and little vanity "Here, I'll come and bring you some rolls and over leftovers after breakfast run" she smiled 

"your too nice to me" I smiled 

"well I have to be" she smiled "Your too sweet to not be nice" she cooes "I'll see you in the morning," she says going off to the door

"Y/n wait" I told her grabbing her arm "stay. stay here with me tonight. then we can both have the room"

"your sure?"

"Of course. so long as you don't mind sharing a warm bed?"

"Not at all" she smiled giving my nose a little kiss "alright, I'll grab us some dinner on my way up"

"Okay," I smiled "I'll run you a hot bath"

"One for you too"

"well, do you mind if I share?"

"Not at all" she giggled running off into the hotel. 

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