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My heart was beating so fast at this moment.I looked at him noticing that he already had his eyes on mine."I don't know what you are talking about." I tried to defend myself."You can't hide from me anymore Y/N.I read your mind and you feel something towards me." I managed to get away from the door."Get out!" "Y/N-" "Get out Jisung!" I pointed at the door."I think I know what it is.You are scared and unsure." I looked at him blankly.He came closer to me."You are unsure whether my feelings for you are real.You are also scared for some reason but...I understand." He held my hands."I will give you time to gather your thoughts and make a decision.Don't rush it.Take your time with it.I will wait for as long as necessary for you." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead."Goodnight." He smiled then left.A breath escaped my mouth as I held my heart.I sat on my bed taking in everything that had just happened.Jisung kissed me and confessed to me all in one night.A lot of thoughts were circling in my head.I just felt so confused.I was confused as to why he would like me and for how long has he had a serious liking for me.I was also confused as to why I couldn't say anything to him but maybe....maybe he is right.I sighed and looked to the door.

The next morning I got up early and went to the kitchen.I decided to make breakfast for everyone.Luckily my cooking skills are ok so I won't burn the kitchen down.I set the table after all the cooking was done and waited for the boys to arrive.Soon enough they came into the kitchen and seemed a bit surprised."Woah!" Seungmin said."What's all this for?" Changbin remarked."Good morning everyone.Please take a seat." I motioned for them to take a seat which they did.Jisung took the closest seat to me but I ignored it."You are probably wondering what this is all about." "Yes we are." Minho said."Well I decided to make you breakfast.You have all been so kind to me and this is my way of saying thank you.It is not much but I hope that you will enjoy it." "Awwww.Y/N is so sweet." Jeongin said."Thank you so much Y/N.We seriously appreciate this." Bang Chan said."Let's eat." Felix said with excitement.We all laughed and they started to eat.I saw Jisung looking at me.I pretended that I didn't notice."Wow!This is so good." Jeongin exclaimed.Everyone gave high praise to my food which I replied to with a smile."If you will excuse me, I have to get ready for the day." I left and went to my room to freshen up.

I got out of the shower and went to the closet to find an outfit to wear."Seems like you are settling in." I turned to the voice and immediately stepped back.It was one of the members of the Vetinary Council.He had black hair that layed over his eyebrows with very unique features.My eyes widened in shock.How?How did they know I was here?? "Sorry to intrude like this but there is an urgent matter I need to speak with you about." "H-How did you know where I am?" "Oh we always knew where you were Y/N.We didn't want to come off rude so we decided to let you first settle in.I am Hoseok by the way." His tone was so relaxed and calm as if he were talking to a friend."What do you want?" I asked bluntly."Ah right.Our leader is not too pleased with this game you are playing so he made an altimatum.He would like to have a word with you in private and strike a deal with you." "What if I reject?" "Well if you reject then you will have to say goodbye to your father and we all know you would not desire that." My breathing started to become unsteady."I don't have long before your new found family  finds out I am here so I will say one last thing.Go to your house tonight and our leader will be waiting for you.And don't try to bring backup otherwise your father will get hurt." He made a sequence of hand signs then disappeared like dust.I was worried and frightened by what just happened but I knew I couldn't disregard their request.I went back to the kitchen and sat down with my head full of thoughts."You ok?" Jisung said softly."Uh yeah.I am fine." I tried to reassure him.He didn't look too convinced but decided not to tamper with it."Um guys." I spoke up gaining their attention."I would like to see my dad tonight.I miss him and want to see how he is doing." "That's ok." Bang Chan said."I will come with you." Jisung suggested."No.I want to go alone." "But you can't Y/N.The Council is still out there looking for you.You can't wonder on your own." "Well I want too.Besides, they didn't find me yet so I am fine." He let out a sigh."Fine but be careful." "I will." I was surprised that they argreed so easily but eventhough I would love for someone, Jisung, to be with me it is best to go alone.I can't put my father's life at risk.

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