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I was standing by a tree observing how everyone was training.There were 2 days left and everyone seemed to be more determined than before.My eye fell on Jisung who was helping some people with their swords.A smile came to my lips as I watched how patient he was with them.Bang Chan stood next to me."They all seem willing to fight." He said."That's a good sign." I replied."How many do you think will survive?" He asked.I looked at him."Hopefully all of them.I will try my best to ensure that everyone is alive after it's all over." "Y/N you need to think carefully about this.I know you would like to save everyone but that will be a distraction.The Council will wait for the moment you lose focus and attack you at your blind spot." I let out a sigh."If we stick to the plan everything will go fine." He reassured me.I nodded and looked back to the training.

It was during battle.Bodies and blood everywhere.Us winning in numbers with the Council's army declining body by body.I was leading the front line, killing anyone who confronted me.The war was over.I raised my sword in victory.I turned to congratulate my team but there was no one.All of them were laying on the ground.DEAD.I looked around in shock.What?How?We won.Why am I the only one left standing.I heard Jisung call me in the distance.I looked to where his voice came from and saw he was badly injured and covered in blood."J-Jisung?!" I yelled in concern."I...I tried my best." He said.I began to run to him but as I did an arrow went through his heart.I froze.Eyes widened in shock.I watched as his body helplessly fell to the ground."NOOOOOOOOOO-"

I woke up immediately with a slight yell and heavy breaths.Jisung woke up and held my shoulders."Y/N what's wrong?" He asked with concern.I looked at him with a worried look."Y/N you are scaring me.What's wrong?" I hugged him tightly as if my life depended on it.He didn't hesitate to hug me back.We stayed like that for a few seconds before he patted my back."It's ok Y/N.It was just a dream." I broke the hug looking at him with teary eyes."If felt so real Jisung.Dreams come true sometimes.What if-" He held my face in his hands."Nothing will happen to me.It is just your mind playing games with you.I won't leave you." He said as he wiped the tears away."You promise?" I asked.He gave me a kiss before answering."I promise.Now and always." He smiled trying to calm my nerves.I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and he accepted my embrace.

It was the night before the war but I couldn't get the dream out of my head.It was playing like a movie in my head over and over again.I was on the cliff as I let out a sigh as I looked at the scenery."I need to make sure everyone survives." I said to myself.I looked at my ring."I just have to." It was evening and everyone was outside talking with each other about various things, one of them being the war tomorrow.I came out of Jisung's room and looked at everyone.On the outside they seemed calm but inside I knew they were terrified for their lives.I got a chair and went to the middle of the crowd.I placed the chair down and stood on it.

"Attention everyone!" I commanded.All eyes were on me.I took a deep breath."As you all know, tomorrow is the war and I am sure you are all very nervous.I am too.I mean, what does a 19 year old know about war let alone leading an entire group of people?" I let out a small laugh."The truth is we are all scared and that's ok.It's normal to be scared of something that is new to you but we shouldn't let that deter us.We should turn that fear into courage.The Council destroys everything that is right and it's time that it comes to an end.We can put an end to this.This place means so much to us, to me.This is the place we can call home, the place where we found friends.." I looked at Jisung."The place I found love." He smiled at me.I smiled a little and looked to the crowd."And I am not willing to give that up and neither should you.There is so much here and we should fight for it.So tomorrow we will face the Council and fight like our lives depend on it.Some of us might die tomorrow but if there is some casualties it won't be for nothing." I took a little pause.

"I know I am young, inexperienced and naive but I promise that I will be the best leader I can.I will fight for our home the best and hardest I can but I can't do that alone.I need you by my side.I need you to stand by me and destroy the Council once and for all.So, will you stand by me?" I asked.Jisung stood up."I will stand by you." Bang Chan stood up."I will stand by you." Taehyung stood up."I will stand by you." The other 6 guys stood up."We will stand by you." Soon a wave of people stood up with a wave of 'I will stand by you' crashing towards me.I smiled."Let's win this war!" I yelled."YES!" They yelled back while raising their fists into the air.I looked around.I didn't see any fear, any nerves, any anxiety.I just saw a group of people willing to go to war and who are willing to allow me to lead them.I raised my fist into the air and the crowd chanted.

It was the morning of the war.D-Day.Everyone was preparing for what was installed for us.I was in my room putting on the remaining attire that Hyunjin custom made for us when my door opened.I turned to the door and saw Jisung enter."Hey." I said."Hey." He replied with a smile."Nervous." He asked."A little." I answered.He came closer to me and held my shoulders."We will be fine." He said.I nodded.He kissed my forehead."Jisung?" "Yes?" He asked."No matter what, stay close to me alright." I said."You are still worried about that dream you had?" "I am just being cautious." "Aww my darling." He gave me a hug."My wife cares for me so much." I looked at him."I am being serious." I said."I know.I promise I will won't leave your site." "Thank you." He kissed me."It's a pleasure." I kissed his cheek and broke the hug."I have to finish up." I said."I will wait for you outside." I nodded.He patted my head and left.I looked at the mirror and closed my eyes."I call out to you, my Omega Aura." "Yes my host." "Today is a big day." "Why of course.What is it that you seek?" "I seek your power.Lend me your power so that I can lead my people to victory." "Glady my host."

After those words were said it felt like a wave of electricity going through my body.It was like spears were coming from my vessels and veins.I grunted as I tried to tolerate the pain.It felt like I was burning alive and with what felt like someone snapped my back in two I raised my head to the ceiling and opened my eyes.I lowered my head and looked at the mirror.The look that seemed foreign, that was filled with so much power, a look that I missed, a look of a leader ready for battle.The look of an...


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