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The next morning Jisung and Bang Chan got up early and left to town."So do you know which store you are going to go to?" Bang Chan asked as he was driving."Nope." "What?!" Bang Chan said as he took a quick glance of surprise at Jisung before focusing his attention back on the road."How can you not know?" "Well I just came up with the idea yesterday.I plan on finding the perfect ring today.Even if it means going into each and every jewellery store in town." Jisung said.Bang Chan let out a sigh."Alright then.Did you leave Y/N a note to say that you will be out today?" "Of course I- Oh no!" Jisung placed his hands on the sides of his head."I forgot!" "Why am I not surprised?" "Don't panic I will just talk to her now." He closed his eyes as he was trying to contact her.After a while he opened his eyes."Did it work?" "No.She might be still sleeping." "Everyone is still sleeping." Jisung let out a sigh."Well she will forgive me once I tell her." "If you say so.Wait, are you going to tell her that you got an engagement ring?" Jisung looked at him."Yes genius.I am going to spoil the surprise and tell her once we get back." "Really?Wow, that's so brave of you." "No you dummy!Why would I tell her that I got an engagement ring?" "Ohhhh.You were sarcastic." Jisung shook his head."Sometimes I wonder about you Bang Chan.Seriously." Jisung said as he looked out the window.

Back at the sheds, I was busy getting everything ready for my training when a knock was heard on the door."Come in." The door opened and Taehyung came in."Good Morning Y/N." I smiled at him,"Good Morning Taehyung." "Ready to go?" "Yes but I am just waiting for Jisung." "Jisung?But he isn't here." I frowned."What do you mean?He said that he would be at training with me." "Well he left with Bang Chan early this morning." "Unbelievable." I let out a snicker of anger."Don't worry.He probably has a reason for the sudden change in decision." Taehyung reassured me."Well he better have a pretty good reason." He smiled a little."Let's get going then." I nodded and we went to start our training.

He took me into the forest.There was a setup with targets and different kinds of weapons."When did you set this up?" I asked."After I spoke with you yesterday." "It's very impressive." "Thank you.Shall we start?" "Of course." "So for the next 3 days we will be focusing on how to control your Omega." "Ok but aren't I the Omega?" I asked.He shook his head."You are just a person who has control of it, or should I say learn to control.The Omega is like another person living with you and you must learn to be one with it.It's almost like having an annoying sibling that bugs you all the time and one day your parents say they are leaving for the weekend and you need to look after the sibling.You need to find a way to make sure that they don't annoy you the whole weekend and try to tolerate them to some degree." "Ohhh I see." I said."The power of the Omega is very powerful and if you do not learn to control it you won't be able to control yourself and you will become a danger to all those around you as the Omega will have control of you and all it thinks about it conquering and destroying everything in its path." "So how do you start controlling it?" I asked."You need to communicate with the Omega by means of meditation." "How long does that take?" "Depends on the Omega." "Oh." "I set a bench up for you to meditate." He walked to it and I followed.He sat down and gestured for me to sit next to him.

I sat next to him and waited for his next command."When you meditate you must concentrate.You can't let anything distract you while you are trying to communicate otherwise you won't be able to connect with your Omega." I nodded.He crossed his legs on the bench and I followed suit."So what are the Omega's like?" I asked."It differs from person to person so one might be hostile,another angry,another childish." "How do you think mine is like?" He turned a little and looked at me.He gave off a little smile."Probably like you." "Like me?" "You will see." He turned his head back to its previous position."Now follow after me." He did a sequence of hand signs which I tried to copy as best as I could before he closed his eyes.Once I closed my eyes it felt like a powerful force was leaving my body.I opened my eyes but I wasn't in the forest.I was in a dark area that only had a glimpse of moonlight as a source of light.I looked to the ground and saw that I was standing in a little water."What is this place." I said as my voice echoed through the place."This is my home Y/N." A oddly strange voice echoed back.I looked around trying to find the voice."Are you my Omega?" "Why of course." I heard footsteps in the water and my eyes immediately went to it.

The footsteps came closer.As I looked up I saw golden-yellow eyes looking at me."I must say that I was pretty impressed with they way you fought against your mother." The Omega came into the light.It was a grey wolf.It looked so beautiful like it was out of a picture or painting."Thank you." I replied."My name is Aura.One of the last female Omega." She introduced herself."Nice to meet you." "You are a pretty one.No wonder they assigned me to you." "You get assigned to people?" "Wolves to be exact." "Right.I forgot for a second." "That's alright dear.Back to your question, the spirit of the wolves assign us Omega to a wolve that shows great promise.Sometimes we get assigned to wolves that are different from us in order to create balance for example, someone that is easily angered will be given an Omega that is calm and restraint and vise versa." "So what about me?" I asked."You are a little different.You see, you were already fully balanced when you were a human so there is not much work to be done with you.You have great power within you but it will never be truly shown." "And that's where you come in?" Ding ding! Correct.I am here to help you see that power." "How long will that take?" "Only 10 minutes." "10 minutes?But Taehyung said-" "Just like people, Omegas differ from Omega to Omega.Besides, I already know that we will get along pretty well."  "If you believe so then I do too." I heard her chuckle a bit."Such trust and determination.I like that." She came closer to me."You might feel a little pain but it won't last that long.Also your eyes will be back to how they were before you transformed." I nodded my head in understandment."I am excited to work with you Y/N." "I am excited too Aura.Now do what you have to do." "As you wish." Aura took a few steps back before running towards me and going through my body.

I opened my eyes taking deep breaths as I held my chest.It felt like my chest was on fire."Y/N are you ok?" I heard Taehyung ask.I looked around and saw that I was back in the forest.Everything still felt the same.I could still hear all the animals in the forest and I could still see every piece of grass as well as all the soil with the ants.I looked at Taehyung."What time is it?" I asked."5pm." 5pm?!!!That took so long but felt so short." "That's how meditation works in the wolf world." He said."Wait, what colour are my eyes?" "Brown." He answered."It-It worked." I said surprisingly."Your Omega must really like you for it to have merged with you so quickly." He said."She does actually." "Well that went quicker than I expected but that's not a problem.It just means that we will be done with training sooner." "Yeah." I heard a car pull up in the sheds."Jisung." I said."I guess we should get going then."

We arrived back at the sheds and saw Jisung with the others by the car."Jisung!" I yelled out."Shit!" I heard him tell himself.I walked up to him as he came towards me."Where were you?" I asked."I-I can explain." "You just decided to leave without telling me about it.I waited for you and if it wasn't for Taehyung I wouldn't have known you ditched me.Why didn't you say that you couldn't make it?" "I tried to but Bang Chan rushed me to-" "Don't lie to me." I said sternly.He let out a sigh."Bang Chan asked me to go to town with him cause there was something he really wanted." "That's not-" Changbin elbowed Bang Chan in the stomach to stop talking earning a soft groan from him."I wanted to tell you but I honestly forgot to.On our way to town I tried to send you a message via my mind but you were asleep.I am sorry for standing you up today.I will be there next practice ok." Jisung said as he placed his hands on my shoulder.

"Fine." I said.He smiled,"Really?" I looked to the others."Jeongin, can you come with me to training tomorrow?" "WHAT?!" Jisung exclaimed."Sure." Jeongin said smiling."Great.We will leave at 8." "Ok." I pushed Jisung's hands off my shoulders and went to my room.He looked at me going to my room."She is unbelievable." He said as he chuckled and went to his room."Why did he have to lie like that?" Bang Chan asked while pouting."Dude, come on." Changbin said as he looked at him questionably."Did he get the ring?" Hyunjin asked softly.Bang Chan nodded."It took 6 stores before he found it." "I am curious as to how it looks." "It's really beautiful and different." Bang Chan said."Well let's hope she says yes." Minho stated."MINHO!" They yelled."What?Anything is possible." Jisung was sitting in his room looking at the small box in his hand."Mrs. Han Y/N." He looked to Y/N's room."Has a nice catch to it." He smiled as he put the box down and went to the bathroom.

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