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I went outside and saw Jisung waiting by the door.He looked at me."There are those golden eyes I missed." I hit his shoulder playfully."The others already went to get into position." He said."Then let's go." He nodded and held my hand as we walked to the others.We made it to the battlefield and saw everyone was in line.An opening was made for me and Jisung to walk to the front where we were met by Bang Chan, Taehyung and Changbin."They are getting close." Taehyung mentioned.I looked at him.I saw that his eyes were also the golden yellow colour."At least we are prepared." We shared a look before looking ahead of us waiting for the Council to arrive."No matter what happens just know that I love you." I heard Jisung say in my head.I looked at him."Nothing bad will happen.I will make sure of it."

In the horizon we saw a line of people walking towards us.The Council was in the front line with their army following behind them.Each step they took echoed throughout the forest and the black shadow from their outfits growing bigger and bigger.Jisung held my hand tightly.I could tell he was nervous."No matter what happens stick to the plan and stay together." I yelled making sure that everyone heard me.A wave of yes flooded towards me.Soon enough the distance became small between us and the Council."Y/N.How lovely to see you." "Can't say the same for you Jin." I remarked.He gave a smirk before speaking."So I see that you haven't changed your mind." He said."Never did.Never will." He laughed at my remark."This is going to be fun.I can't wait to destroy you." He said in a stern tone."Not if I destroy you first." I said."Arrogance.That's what us Omegas have in common." Yoongi spoke out."It's not arrogance.It's confidence.Know the difference." Changbin spat out.Yoongi chuckled."He is mine." Yoongi addressed.

"Enough talking.Let's just fight." Jimin said."Wait." I interrupted."What?" Jin asked with an annoyed tone.I let go of Jisung's hand and extended it to Jin."Let's shake on it." I said.He raised his eyebrow."Shake on it?What are we,12?" He asked."Come on.Be a sport before we go into battle." I answered.He let out a sigh."Fine." He took my hand and shook it.I smirked slightly as I released my hand from him.I raised my hand into the air and pointed a signal."NOW!" I yelled out.With my command arrows came from behind us and fell into the Council's territory finding its targets on bodies.While they were distracted by the arrows we took the opportunity to attack.I speared Jin to the ground as the others charged to the army.I got off of Jin and kicked him in the stomach before heading into the crowd and helping the others.I took out my sword and one by one killed off the people coming towards me.After I tackled one down I looked up and searched for Jisung.I saw him in the distance killing someone.He looked at the body before looking at me.He gave me a thumbs up before attacking the next person.I smiled a little and continued to battle.

Taehyung threw a body to the ground and placed his sword into the chest until the body stopped moving.He took his sword out."Well, well.If it isn't the traitor." Taehyung let out a sigh and turned to the voice."Jungkook." He said."Never thought I would get the opportunity to fight you." Jungkook said."Well, here's your opportunity then." Taehyung said.Jungkook smirked before charging towards Taehyung."Changbin!I need cover!" Bang Chan yelled from somewhere in the battlefield."I will be right there!" Changbin replied.He started running towards Bang Chan dodging attacks until Yoongi stopped him."And where do you think you are going?" Yoongi asked.Changbin sighed."Shit." He looked at Yoongi."Let's dance." He got into position as Yoongi smirked.I looked around and saw that Bang Chan was in a bit of trouble.I ran towards him and killed the man that was about to attack Bang Chan at his blind spot.Bang Chan looked at me."Thanks." He said.Jisung came to us."Hyunjin how are things up there?" Jisung asked.

"All good.Their numbers are dropping." He replied."Alright." Jisung said."What's next?" Bang Chan asked."Y/N!!!" I heard Jin yell.I looked towards his voice and saw him approaching me."I need to get him isolated." I said."Go up to the cliff." Jisung said."Come with me." "No." I looked at Jisung."You are coming with me." I commanded."Y/N there is no time to argue.Get up that cliff now and kill his ass!" "But you-" "I will be fine here.I will stick with Bang Chan." He reassured.I let out a sigh before heading off to the cliff.I sensed Jin's presence behind me and it wasn't far from me.I ran faster skipping some steps the faster I ran.I made it to the cliff and stopped in the middle."So this is where you take me?" Jin said."You like it?I thought it would create a nice scenery for our fight." I said."You truly are something else." He remarked.I got into position and signaled him to make the first move.Just like that we began our fight.

Kicks,punches,dodges.This was the continuous pattern between us.I kicked Jin to the ground and hovered over him.I lifted my foot and lowered it to his face but he dodged it and got up.He charged towards me and took me off guard.He punched me in the stomach continuously causing blood to come out of my mouth.I fell to my knees and spat out the blood lingering in my mouth.He kicked my stomach causing me to fall on my back.Jin let out a devilish laugh."You see,you can't defeat me." He took a chunck of my hair in his first and yanked my head back so that I could look at him."You will never be able to defeat the Council.No one will ever defeat the Council!" He yelled."And we all know how this will end.Your so called troops will all be dead, I will take your head and show it to your precious husband before I take his head too!" He began to laugh like a maniac."We are unbeatable!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.Rage began to build inside me as I let out a scream before taking his hand off my hair and punched him.He looked at me with a shocked expression.

I got back up and went to him.I gave punch after punch not giving him the opportunity to defend himself.I picked him up and threw him towards a tree making the tree break in half.I took his left arm and dislocated it.He screamed in pain as I released it from my grip.He held onto his arm still groaning out of agony.I stood behind him and wrapped my arm around his neck slowly cutting his oxygen."I think you have the story wrong." I said."You see, this is the part where you die along with the entire Council for everything that you have done." My grip around his neck got tighter."And another thing." I moved my face closer to his ear."No one messes with my family." I placed my other hand on top of his head and twisted his neck.I let go of his body and it fell to the ground.I got up and looked at him."I am getting pretty good at this neck twisting thing." I said before heading back to join the others.

Once I arrived I saw that everyone was on the battlefield including our aerial division.There were still a few of the Council troops still alive.I saw Seungmin."Seungmin!" I yelled catching his attention."I need arrows!" He nooded as he threw a bag full of arrows towards me.I caught it and picked up a bow on the ground and got to work.Soon there were very few people left to battle.There were only 2 Council members left, Jimin and Hoseok.I approached them."So who wants to go first?" I asked as I raised my bow towards them."STOP!" Hoseok yelled.Immediately their troops stopped."We will concede this battle." Hoseok said.Jimin looked at him surprisingly."WHAT?!ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Jimin yelled.Hoseok looked at him."Our numbers are low.We won't win this war Jimin." He admitted.Jimin let out a sigh."You can't be serious Hoseok!" "Jimin!" "Leave." I said.They looked at me."Leave with your remaining troops and we won't come after you.However, you must leave and never return.Destroy the name of Vetinary Council and just live a life.If you don't then I will find you and kill you.The choice is yours." I said.

"There's no way-" "We will do it." Hoseok interrupted."Hoseok?" "I am tired of this Jimin.I am tired of having to kill wolves that just want to live.Please, let's just end this violence." He said.Jimin glanced at me before walking off.I lowered my bow."RETREAT!" Hoseok yelled.The remaining troops began to walk away.Hoseok looked at me."No more violence." He said."No more violence." I replied.He nodded slightly and walked off."We won!" Some people yelled.Cheers were heard and I let out a sigh of relief.I was so happy that it was all over.I looked around and saw smiles and people hugging each other.I saw that I still had Taehyung, Hyunjin, Changbin, Seungmin, Minho, Jeongin,Felix,Bang Chan.But most importantly I was happy that I still had Jisung.I looked at him with a smile as he walked towards me.He was smiling as he walked towards me but something seemed off.I looked in the distance and saw Jimin charging towards Jisung with a bow and arrow aimed at him.My eyes widened."JISUNG!" I yelled.I lifted my bow and shot an arrow at Jimin finding its place on his chest.

Once the arrow landed on his chest he released his arrow and it traveled to Jisung.It felt like time was going really slow at that moment.I ran towards Jisung but stopped almost instantly.My worst nightmare came true.The one thing I tried so hard to prevent.It felt like my heart got taken out of my chest as I saw the arrow go through Jisung's body.


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