CHAPTER 6:Jesus, what words are needed?

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The title is from BlockB's "Her"

Yeonho awkwardly walked to school, it was obvious that he was limping and he didn't want to use the old,
"I fell from the bed" excuse.

And besides he can't just tell everyone,
"Oh my dad fucked me", he'd be bullied more for that.

And Dongheon and his gang were enough.


Speaking of the devil, he forgot he was alone and Dongheon walked up to him.

"Why you limping Ju? Oh did your daddy fuck you?", The senior giggled.

He was correct but Yeonho has to lie.

"Fuck off Lee, and no I wasn't fucked by my own father, I'm limping because I fell from my window and went back inside", he said, his smiled after since his lie was pretty good.

So everytime he was asked why he was limping, he just told them that he fell from his window.


Yongseung looked at him weirdly and asked him if he was sure about it, Yeonho faked a smile and said yes.

"I thought your dad but bars on your window?", Yongseung asked again.

"See that's why I fell, I tried removing the bars and when I did, I fell from my window, so dad had to fix it again", Yeonho lied again.

Yongseung still didn't believe his lie but nodded his head.

"Hyung, don't, you are being paranoid again", Kangmin told him when the youngest noticed the look on his face.

"But Yoochan, if he did fell from the window like he said, he could've broken his bones and not limping", Yongseung argued.

Kangmin held his shoulders and let out a laugh,
"Hyungie, I know how much you care for Yeonho-hyung, and I'm sure he appreciates that", he said.

The blonde calmed down a little and took on his brother's advice that maybe he was being too paranoid.


Yeonho has no idea why he is smiling today when he just lied to like about 200 people on why he was limping.

On recess time he was able to eat a proper meal, not just the usual "grape juice" he always had.

His dad gave him $200 dollars for being a "good fuck", which Yeonho doesn't know whether to consider this a "good thing" or a "bad thing".

But what matters now is that he gets to eat.


He saw his friends walk over to him, thank god Minchan didn't bring Feona here.

"This is new, Chan-hyung where is Feona?", He asked.

"Oh, she is absent, she messaged me that her little brother is sick and there's no one to care for him but her, isn't she sweet", Minchan said, completely lovestruck.

Yeonho felt like puking because the older just said that but he just gave him a pat on the back.

Kangmin looked anywhere but Minchan when the older said that, Hoyoung rolled his eyes, and Yongseung had a
"Are you serious?" face on.


He learned from Sora, so this hyung should break up with Feona before he gets his heart shattered.

But Hoyoung was quick enough to bring up the "If she broke up with you or if you caught her cheating on you what will you do?".

"Well, I'll be sad if she broke up with me obviously, but the cheating one goes two ways, it's either I'm so mad I'll leave her, or since I still love her I'll forgive her", Minchan answered.

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