CHAPTER 18:Uneasy

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Gyehyeon was now human again and Hoyoung brought them all to a restaurant to celebrate about it.

"Oh man, I can't believe we actually did it", Minchan said.

"I'm so thankful guys, thank you for helping me get my body back", Gyehyeon smiled.

"No problem buddy, that's what friends are for", Dongheon told him, giving him a hug as well.

They tricked the police by fixing the scene of the crime, so the staff of the graveyard now look like idiots who are crawling around like they forgot how to walk.


Yeonho and Yongseung were finished eating and left first.

"Have fun guys", Hoyoung smirked.

Yongseung rolled his eyes and flipped him off.

"I'm just dropping him off hyung", He sighed.

"Yeah sure", Hoyoung said and continued eating before he annoys Yongseung even more.


The two got inside the car and drove for a few miles before Yeonho started feeling uneasy.

"Hey, you okay?", Yongseung asked him.

"Stop the car", Yeonho said, breathing heavily.

Yongseung gave him a confused look but waited for the light to turn green so he can take another route before stopping the car.

Yeonho was sweaty and was already crying.

"What's wrong? Yeonho? Babe? Talk to me", Yongseung said, shaking the other boy to prevent him from sleeping.

"Dad, he was following us, I saw him at the restaurant, he was holding a bomb, Yongseung our friends are in danger", Yeonho cried.

Yongseung was shocked and proceeded to dial Kangmin's phone.


"Oh hey hyung, everything okay?", Kangmin asked, going outside to take the call.

"Leave now, it's not safe there", Yongseung said.

"What do you mean? We are having a blast hyung", Kangmin asked, not understanding what his brother meant.

"Just trust me Kim Kangmin and get them out of there! Hoyoung-hyung already paid before the dishes came", Yongseung exclaimed.

Kangmin sighed and went back inside and did as told.

"I wanna leave, it's like something is wrong", Kangmin said.

"What do you mean?", Minchan asked him.

"I feel uneasy it's like I'm gonna faint", The youngest said and saw a man with a bomb and finally understood why Yongseung called him, he took acting lessons when he was in elementary and decided to use it today by fainting. And luckily Minchan caught him.

"Yep, let's leave!", Minchan said as he carried his boyfriend to his car and the moment all of them got out of the parking lot, the bomb's countdown was finished and the restaurant exploded.


Kangmin decided to stop acting anymore and sat back up and put his seatbelt on, startling his driving boyfriend.

"Holy shit!", Minchan cursed, almost swerving to a whole new lane when he saw Kangmin rise by himself.

"I'm sorry, I faked fainting earlier, Yongseung-hyung called me and said that I should get you out, I'll call him again and say you are all safe", Kangmin said and gave him an apologetic smile.

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