CHAPTER 16:Boyfriend

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Kangmin is standing in front of Minchan's bedroom door with a box of cupcakes and he was just wearing a large t-shirt that one of the chef's lend to him, and honestly, the only thing stopping him right now was his nerves.

He looked behind him and saw the crew silently cheering for him, with Yongseung shown on his phone looking eager as well.

"Go on Mr. Kim", One of the maids mouthed.

Kangmin nodded slowly and took a deep breath, his friends were waiting outside with Dongheon so they could hang out and it took Kangmin a day to prepare for this moment.

He bravely knocked on the door and let out a sigh, the crew hid themselves when Minchan opened the door.

"Oh, hey", Minchan said.

"Hey, I helped baked these, your chefs told me how much you liked blueberry cupcakes so here", Kangmin said, holding out the box and looking away.

Minchan noticed Kangmin's tinted cheeks and saw what he was wearing, he thought to himself that he should probably make the move.

"Thanks, you look cute by the way, want to talk inside?", He asked.

"It's fine, we can talk here, I'll change after because I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us, Dongheon-hyung is treating us all after he confessed to Hoyoung-hyung", Kangmin said.


Yongseung was holding his phone eagerly, as his friends were closely watching behind him, heck, even Dongheon was interested.

"I swear to god baby bro just go for it!", He said, wanting to pull his hair because of the tension.

Yeonho was backhugging him and Gyehyeon was holding his arm.

"If they don't get along with it I'm possessing Minchan-hyung", Gyehyeon said, clearly annoyed.


"Sure I guess, let's just hope that they'll give us a bit of privacy, and sure, I'll come with you guys, but Kangmin, come inside for a bit please, GUYS I KNOW YOU ARE WATCHING!", Minchan shouted.

The crew sighed in disbelief as they all came out and left the two alone.

Kangmin went inside the room and felt suffocated.

"I want you to be honest with me, you and Yongseung aren't actual siblings right?", Minchan asked.

"Yes", Kangmin answered.

"Which means you two could date because you aren't blood related", Minchan said.

"That's also correct but me and Yongseung like different people, we don't even plan to date, he just calls me a bunch of pet names because he got used to it, and because I'm younger", Kangmin explained.

"So it's natural that you two act so loving?", Minchan asked again.

"Please don't take this the wrong way, I know it's obvious that he likes Yeonho and I like you but", Kangmin didn't even get to finish his sentence because Minchan got a little impatient and made the first move as the older pulled him closer to kiss him.


"Damn it! I'm going in", Gyehyeon said as he floated inside Minchan's room and invaded their privacy as he tried not to squeal when he saw them kissing.

He had a big smile on his face when he went back.

"They were kissing", He giggled.

Everyone cheered and Hoyoung actually brought a megaphone with him and screamed.


Minchan opened his windows and flipped him off.

"We are already dressed!", He screamed back, throwing Kangmin one of his hoodies.

The others waited happily outside and ran to hug both males when they got out.

"FUCKING FINALLY", Yeonho cheered.

"Come on then! Everyone in the car", Dongheon smiled.

The others were a little bit shocked by what he said but from the oldest's smile it showed that he was ready to change.


They planned to go out very late so as the sun was coming down, they have just arrived to their destination. Which was a bar that Dongheon himself owned.

He is now disowned that's for sure after his mother screamed at him about being gay, but he didn't mind, although he was disowned, his parents allowed him to keep his money as long as Dongheon doesn't expose his father for being a drug dealer as well.

"Welcome guys", He smiled, a little happy that he got to see Gyehyeon now.

"For a dead guy, you're pretty cute", He said.

"That's true", Hoyoung agreed.

"It's cool how you two were exes but are still fine with each other", Yongseung commented.

"Wait really?!", Dongheon asked.

Hoyoung nodded his head and pulled both Dongheon and Gyehyeon with him.


Yeonho found himself sitting on the stool, ordering some white wine, he saw Yongseung dancing and he smiled to himself.

If he could only have Kangmin's guts and confess to Yongseung.

"Hey hyung, something bothering you?", Kangmin asked, holding a glass of water.

"Yeah, where's your boyfriend?", Yeonho answered.

"Oh, he went in the bathroom for a bit, felt really sick after drinking too much, scolded him while he was at it", The youngest laughed, but it soon faded after he saw Yeonho looking angry, turns out Yongseung was dancing with someone else, obviously wasted.

"Let me go get him then, damn I'm out here scolding people who are older than me", Kangmin sighed as he went to dancefloor and grabbed his older brother.

"Hey hey! Wait a minute! We were dancing", The girl exclaimed.

"Yeah, and my older brother is obviously drunk, and don't get your hopes up lady, he's gay!", The youngest scoffed.

The girl looked angry as she tried to take Yongseung away from Kangmin.

This is when Yeonho stepped up.

"Hands off my boyfriend!", He shouted, as he saw his friends smile at him.

Kangmin stuck his tongue out at the girl as Yeonho helped him carry Yongseung.

"Here's a key, it's one of the room upstairs", Dongheon said, and winked.

"I'm pretty sure you can take care of him yourself hyung, thanks", Kangmin said, and Yeonho nodded his head.


"Huh, where's Yeonho and Yongseung?", Minchan asked, feeling a little bit sober.

"Oh there was a scene earlier", and as Kangmin was explaining, a lady got herself on Minchan's lap but not for so long as Minchan pushed her away and placed Kangmin there instead.

"She's the same lady who was dancing with a clearly drunk Yongseung-hyung and tried to kiss him", Kangmin explained.

"Yeah, and you miss are gonna get kicked out for messing with my friends", Dongheon smirked, as he saw her look super angry and stomped on her way outside.

"Thanks hyung", Minchan smiled.

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