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I guess we can all agree that I am Verivery whipped for Verivery.

Forgive me I wrote this at 11pm

"Yah! What is this?! I expected better from you!", Yeonho's father exclaimed, hitting his son with his report card that showed an 82 in Science.

"I don't know okay? I didn't expect it either", Yeonho said back.

"Because of this you won't be eating dinner", his mom said.

Yeonho ran up to his room and covered himself in his blankets as he pulled his stuffed teddy bear beside him and violently sobbed, this was the 3rd day he didn't eat dinner.

Like his drunkard father and abusive mother even cared for him, all they talk about is how their "friends' children" are better than Yeonho.

Yeonho will only be able to eat if he manages to convince his parents that he'll go out with friends, when in reality he only had one.

His name is Jo Gyehyeon, or it was Jo Gyehyeon.

Poor boy died 2 years ago from heart attack, which was caused by Yeonho's parents.

They screamed at Gyehyeon for no apparent reason and Yeonho was devastated when the boy didn't wake up anymore.

Gyehyeon's parents wanted to adopt him and take him out of the hell hole he was experiencing as Yeonho did remind them of their own son alot.

But Yeonho's parents threatened to file a lawsuit if they even dared touching their son.

Yeonho was living in hell and it isn't fun at all.


"Hey baby", Yongseung's girlfriend greeted.

"Goodmorning", the other responded giving her a soft kiss.

"Eww", his younger brother Kim Kangmin said, disgust shown in the younger boy's face.

"Want a kiss from me too Minnie?", Yongseung teasingly asked.

Kangmin shook his head and left the room.

Yongseung always walked to university with his girlfriend.

They've been together for 3 years now and are staying strong.

Or atleast that's what he thought.

Let's just say he saw her making out with another man inside the boy's bathroom, Yongseung didn't cry at all.

He suddenly felt stoned, but he managed to get out quickly before she saw him.

Yongseung saw Kangmin who is still pining over a senior, by the name of Hong Minchan if you will.

But Kangmin gave up on him 1 year ago, and the younger just waved to his older brother.

"So you have that look on your face, did Sora cheat on you?", Kangmin asked.

Yongseung gave him a weird look before nodding his head,

"I knew, I just didn't know how to tell you, I'm sorry hyungie", the youngest muttered.

Yongseung smiled and ruffled his hair.


Yeonho sneaked out from his window and stared at the night sky from the beach, it was close to his house and he was thankful for that.

He laid his head on the sand as he tried finding constellations, his fingers brushing along the wind as he hums a song.

He loved to sing, mostly with Gyehyeon, singing was their passion.

But then he remembered that "We" became "I".

Screw his parents honestly.

Then suddenly someone else was singing to the same song as him, he looked behind him and saw a tall man, who looked like the same age as him with a hoodie and his headphones on his neck.

Oh boy did the man look gorgeous as hell.

"Oh sorry, it's my favorite I couldn't help it", the man said, as he sat right beside Yeonho.

"It's fine, it's a really good song, me and bestfriend used to sing it alot", he said, then suddenly tears were threatening to fall.

"That's nice, you and your bestfriend really love singing huh", the man said again.

"We did, we really did, if only he was still alive", Yeonho said before tears violently fell.

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss here let me give you a hug", the man said again.

Yeonho took up the offer and he had to admit, he liked this position, and this man is so kind, he smells nice as well.

Like the waves from the beach.

Once he calmed down, he looked up at the man who had a little smile on his face.

"Sorry for staring, I'm Yongseung by the way, Kim Yongseung, and if it makes you feel a little better, my girlfriend cheated on me".

Yongseung huh, what a lovely name for a lovely man.

"That's awful, my name is Yeonho, Ju Yeonho".

This is probably how their lives will turn around completely.

A meeting under the stars.

And both went home with stupid grins on their faces.

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