CHAPTER 22: Clover

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Minchan may be the son of a CEO, but he is a very simple man. Expensive things doesn't make him happy but friends, pets, and moments sure do.

When he was little, he was spoiled rotten, with everything he uses in school, everything he wears, it's all luxury. But when he grew up, he really didn't care anymore to the point that his mom scolded him one time for wearing his favorite guess jacket to a formal party.

"Minchan!", He heard Dongheon call him.

Minchan smiled and waved at the older boy.

"Happy Birthday, Minchan", The older smiled, handing him a small box.


Dongheon is Minchan's best friend, they've known each other since they were in diapers, and the first ever gift Minchan has received from him is on his 16th birthday were Dongheon bought him a watch since Minchan is a clumsy idiot and broke his favorite watch so Dongheon decided to get him another one.

"I'm surprised you still wear that watch I gave you", Dongheon laughed.

"It's my favorite, and besides, it's from you, so of course I'll wear it", Minchan smiled.


They all planned another get together, well Kangmin did, he had this whole surprise party idea that the others were helping him with. Well except for Dongheon who was the distraction.

"Hey Minnie, has the cake arrived?", Yeonho asked.

Kangmin checked his phone and shook his head.

"No, not yet", He frowned.

Yongseung heard their whole exchanged and volunteer to pick up the cake himself.

"But hyung!", Kangmin exclaimed, trying to stop him which Yongseung shushed him and said that he'll be fine and won't get caught.


They rented a ballroom for Minchan's birthday and all of them paid for everything from the decorations, to the food, the huge ass cake that was personalized, Minchan's gifts, and the fountain. Yes, Kangmin paid for a fucking fountain.

The courtyard looked like it was part of a castle, with so many varieties of plants, which Yongseung named every single thing, annoying Yeonho who just wanted to add ribbons.

Kangmin waited for Yongseung at the courtyard and placed himself at the bench near the entrance.

He knows that Minchan isn't a fan of extravagant parties, but Kangmin couldn't care less.


Yongseung arrived at the cake shop that Kangmin mentioned and saw the bakers finishing up the details on Minchan's cake.

"Oh, are you Mr. Kim?", One of them asked.

"Technically, but it's my little brother who ordered the cake", Yongseung giggled.

"Oh, here you go, sorry for a bit of delay, the details were kinda hard to put", The other one said, handing the cake to Yongseung.

Yongseung smiled and asked if Kangmin already paid for it.

"He already did, when he ordered online he paid through credit", The baker said.

Yongseung nodded his head and left the bakery.


Minchan felt something was off when Dongheon kept dodging the question, "Why aren't the others with you?".

"Hyung, what's going on?", Minchan asked.

Dongheon looked at him and pretended to be confused.

"What do you mean?", He asked back.

"The others, where are they?", Minchan asked again.

"I told you, they're busy", Dongheon said.

"Busy with what?", The younger added.

Dongheon really hated how stubborn Minchan could be, but he was thankful when he finally received a text from Gyehyeon that everything is ready and he could bring Minchan over.

"Fine, we'll go to them", Dongheon sighed.


The funny thing about the ballroom they rented, is that it looks like an old abandoned building with all the lights turned off, so when Gyehyeon got a text back, they all got ready as he ran everywhere to turn off all the lights.

Giving Minchan an extra scare with the surprise.

Gyehyeon hid under the table, and had a pack of fake bugs with him to throw at Minchan when they enter.

Which for sure Dongheon's gonna get scared at as well.


Minchan was jumping on his seat like a little child and Dongheon wants to throw him out of the car but today is his birthday so he cannot do that.

He knew that Minchan already smelled something was off because it's a very Minchan thing to do so it doesn't really surprise him anymore.

When you ask Dongheon what Minchan reminds him off, he usually says that Minchan is like a clover.

And that's because everytime they're with Minchan, they feel very lucky and happy, and it empowers their inner strength, because that's the type of person Minchan is.

He's very happy go lucky, protective, caring, and you probably would feel all the luck in the world if you're right beside him.


The moment the two got off the car, Minchan had an evident glare at Dongheon.

"Really, this is where they're at, I'm not buying it", Minchan sighed.

"Aish, just go asshole", Dongheon said, and pushed him forward.

Minchan took a deep breath and walked forwards, the eerie feeling of the place creeping up to him and he is getting goosebumps, while Dongheon was admiring the flowers.

He finally reached the entrance of the building and it was unlocked, he opened the door and it was very dark inside. He thought he was hallucinating when he sees silhouettes of materials he can't seem to name.

And a screech was heard from him when a fake bug was thrown on him.

Minchan got annoyed when he noticed that it was a fake bug and quickly knew that it was Gyehyeon who threw it.

"Yah Jo Gyehyeon!", He screamed, then suddenly, all the lights were on and all his friends screamed "Surprise!".

"I fucking knew it!", Minchan shouted, doing his little dance and decided to annoy Dongheon even more.


Kangmin walked towards him first with a hat and a kazoo, even if he knows that it's a bad idea to give Hong Minchan a kazoo.

"Happy Birthday hyung", Kangmin greeted.

"Let me guess, you're the person behind all of this", Minchan said.

Kangmin nodded his head and smiled.

Minchan smiled back and gave him a quick kiss.

"Okay flippers let's get this party started!!", He cheered.


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