Failed Romance

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Kai was in his room reading a book with headphones in his ears while Lloyd was out on a date with Akita (just pretend she can come to this realm whenever for the sake of the story because I don't want him to be alone, but I am not shipping Loyrumi) Nya and Jay were out for a date and the last two ninja were hyping themselves up to confess their feelings to the red ninja.

Zane planned to give him a rose made of ice he made himself that was unable to melt in the hottest of heats while Cole planned to give Kai a sculpture of his dragon flame he made using his powers. Both presents were easy to make and they could not wait to give them to Kai and profess their love for him.

Zane had realized his love for the red ninja after his fallout with Pixel and how Kai was right there to comfort him in it. Zane ran hundreds of scenarios and he had a 98.02 % success rate. Cole realized his feelings after his true potential was unlocked and Kai helped him reconnect with his father.

Both black and white headed to Kai's room. When they both stopped outside his room however they were both surprised to see each other holding gifts about to knock on the door.

"Hello Cole what are you doing?" Zane asks kindly keeping the edge and worry out of his voice. "I'm going to Kai's room to speak with him. Why are you going to Kai's room?" Cole asks. "To speak with him as well. If you excuse me," Cole tried getting to the door and knock, but Zane grabbed his wrist.

"Why are you going to speak with him and what's that behind your back?" Zane asks. "A present for him so I can ask him on a date," Cole states knowing full well why Zane must be wanting to talk to him if the ice rose in his hand was any indication. Zane does not like how his success rate starts to plummet. "Kai would prefer me over you as a romantic interest," Zane said icy cold. "You? Ha don't make me laugh he would like me much better," Cole said and Zane's grip became icy.

"The odds in my head say different," Zane replies. "Oh yeah?" Cole asks and took the ice flower from Zane's hand and crushed it in his hand easily. Zane stood shocked for a moment before blasting the sculpture in Cole's hand and it fell to the floor and shattered. Cole blinked at him then tackled him to the ground as they started yelling at each other. Kai finally took out his ear buds and heard the fighting.

He got up and opened his door finding Cole and Zane fighting on the ground and stopping when they saw Kai standing there pulling out his other ear bud.

"Ummm what are you two doing?" He asks confused. "Nothing!" They both said quickly than glared at each other. "What are you fighting about?" Kai asks again and was surprised to see them both blush. "Nothing," They said again broke apart and left practically running to their rooms and slamming the door. Kai looked at the opposite directions before just shrugging it off and going back inside his room.

Meanwhile both Cole and Zane were seething and thinking one thing.

Kai will be my boyfriend!

Short I know sorry

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