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Sensei Wu was yelling at Cole and Zane while Kai was hauled up in his room nervous to leave. The love triangle between all of them was now the biggest news since the last time a villain attacked the city.

Kai risked leaving to get a water and walked right on in to Cole and Zane being reprimanded by Sensei Wu.

"And you are ninja! How did you not realize you were being watched by a group of teenagers!" Wu yells at them. "We were busy! Sensei it's his fault!" Cole points to Zane. "No it is not! It was all Cole's fault Sensei!" Zane points to Cole. Sensei Wu sighed and rubbed his head when they both started to claw at the other and Kai starts to back out.

His foot hit a loose floor board though and all eyes in the room went to him. Zane and Cole lit up seeing Kai and before sensei managed to stop them they were right in front of the red ninja.

"So Kai? Who do you choose? Me right?" Cole asks Kai with a eager grin. Zane pushed him back getting in front of Kai. "That would be a dumb mistake, but your smart so you will pick the smartest option," Zane said clearly referring to him. "He loves me back off," Cole growls. "He loves me more so you back off," Zane growls right back. Before the fight could get physical Sensei Wu intervenes. "Leave the poor boy alone. You two are cleaning the bounty top to bottom starting now," Sensei Wu said punishing them.

"I call Kai's room," They both said. They glare at each other before running to get to Kai's room to 'clean it' first.

"Are you alright Kai? I know how this sort of thing took a toll on your sister," Sensei Wu said. Kai looked at his Sensei sighing. "I don't want to hurt them," Kai admits sadly looking in the direction the two had run off. Sensei Wu did not know what to tell him to ease his mind or heart from this problem.

"I'm gonna go to the training room to take my mind off this mess," Kai said going to the training room.

Later Cole's POV

Stupid Zane when can he just back off?

If it was not for him Kai would already be my beautiful boyfriend and I would be kissing him right now or doing couple stuff with him. Who does Zane think he is? The only reason Kai hasn't said yes to me is because he is too kind to break Zane's heart. If only Zane backed off then I could be happier with Kai than ever. When I kissed him it felt so amazing like every hard battle was worth it just to feel his lips against mine in sync.

Hmmm? Maybe if I asked Nya to persuade him to go ahead and choose me. I go to Nya's room and the door was open. I peaked my head in and she was reading some teen thriller novel. "Hi Nya I was wondering if you could," I began. "Zane already tried it and I am not in the mood for you to list the reasons why Kai should date you so please leave," Nya said sharply and a bit bored she had clearly been expecting this.

I groan and left going to the training deck to let off some steam.

Zane's POV

After my failure with convincing Nya on how her brother would be happier with me as a romantic partner I decided to go to the training deck where to my surprise and shock Kai already was there doing warm up stretches. I hid behind the door frame and watched him stretching on the yoga mat. It may be cruel of me, but he is so flexible it's memorizing.

When I kissed him it felt amazing like everything in the world was perfect and I couldn't care less about anything or anyone around me. He tasted so spicy and my possessing unit almost short circuited at the thought of finally having him, but of course Cole had to ruin it.

I watched Kai memorized and realized he had ear puds blasting music in his ears and his eyes closed as he moved. He stretched back and forth amazingly precise. I heard someone behind me and turned away from the beauty to see Cole. "What are you?" I put a hand to my mouth telling him to be silent and pointed. He looked and was also memorized by how stretchy and flexible Kai is. He never did stretches during training so this is a first for both me and Cole to see him doing this. He was also wearing mens leggings with a white tank top

I practically drool at the sight of his perfect body being shown to me.

Third Person POV

Cole and Zane could watch Kai doing yoga all day, but of course that had to be ruined. Kai opened his eyes when he slipped on a uneven part of the floor board and had to regain balance. He made eye contact with the other two and he froze as did them knowing they were caught.

"What are you guys doing?" Kai asks hoping they would leave. Zane blushes and muttered sorry and left, but Cole stayed and instead walked inside. "Cole? What are you?" Kai asks standing up when Cole grabbed him and kissed his forehead. Cole wanted to kiss his lips, but was afraid that would scare him off. "I want to say sorry for watching you, but your such a tease you know?" Cole whispers seductively. Kai blushed bright red and does not make eye contact. "So? When you going to tell Zane you want me?" Cole asks. Kai blinks processing what Cole just said. "Cole I.....I don't want to hurt either of you and I haven't decided anything. Also you were both just watching me while I was doing yoga and I don't like that," Kai said turning away from Cole and crossing his arms. "Well Zane was watching first and your so pretty I wanted to watch too. Not my fault you got me hooked," Cole winks flirty making Kai blush, but he was angry too. "Kai I just want what's best," Cole reasons.

"And I want to be left alone," Kai responds and left quickly going to his room wanting to be alone. When he got there however Zane was in his room waiting on his bed. "Zane? Why are you in my room?" Kai asks when the nindroid got up and went right in front of him. "Sorry for watching you that was quite rude of me, but I wanted to tell you something and I did not want to disturb you," Zane said with his baby blue eyes shining. Kai sighed knowing it was a excuse, but was too tired to deal with it. "Okay fine what did you want to tell me?" Kai asks. Zane took the smallest step forward and said. "I just wanted to tell you that Lloyd accidentally messed up your washing and your pj shirt is ruined so I decided to lend you mine," Zane said and gave Kai his shirt with a smile.

"Night love," Zane said and gave Kai a quick peck on the cheek before the red ninja could move out of range and then left. Kai just rubbed his eyes and put on the shirt which smell like Zane. He fell asleep in Zane's pj shirt.

The next morning Kai woke up groaning to his alarm clock and shut it off. He yawns slightly and got up putting his feet on the floor only for his feet to be met by cold water. "What the?" Kai exclaims taking his feet out and finding his room was flooded.

He cursed loudly and Nya opened the door only for her slippers to be soaked too. "How did this happen?" Kai asks her. "Well.....I might have been trying to fix the plumbing last night," Nya admits sheepishly and Kai rolled his eyes at her.

They went to Sensei who was eating breakfast with the others and told him the problem. Kai changed shirts so he would not cause a argument. "It is alright we just need to wait until the room air dries and in the mean time Kai can sleep in someone else's room," Sensei Wu said and immediately Zane and Cole raised their hands. "My room!" Then they glared at each other.

"Oh dear," Sensei Wu mutters mournfully.

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