Not Again

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Nya screams for only a second before the needle was stuck in her neck by the fake Skylar. It worked quickly and Nya slumps unconscious. Sadly though her scream had still gained unwanted attention and it was only half a second before the other ninja plus Nero were outside to see the fake Skylar holding a unconscious Nya.

"Nya!" Jay screams for his girlfriend and charged. The robot was quick though and before he could do anything the robot had jumped over the mountain's cliff. Everyone got to the side in time to see the robot jumping down the mountain side with Nya flung over it's shoulder limply as it disappeared below the mountain.

"Dammit!" Jay curses watching his girlfriend disappear below. "Great now we're missing Nya too and Skylar has also been captured by robots," Lloyd said running his hand through his blonde hair. "We need to find them and soon," Cole said. "I know how," Zane said getting everyone's attention. "And how would you do that?" Cole asks him with more snark than he meant and Zane gave a glare. "Well knowing Nya and Nero were already targets I took the liberty and placed trackers on them," Zane responds with a smug formal tone.

Everyone suppressed a groan as Cole and Zane got into a death stare contest and they all knew this would make it way too hard to get Kai and Nya back. They did not realize it, but that was the first time everyone on the team thought the exact same idea in the exact same words.

Not again.

Speaking Of Which

Kai is going out of his mind with boredom and he made that loud and clear to the other unfortunate captives.

"Bored, bored, bored," he kept saying. "Will you shut up?!" Shade yelled at him. "You have been saying that for the past hour none stop," Shade adds with a annoyed sigh. "Well I am bored!" Kai said over dramatically lying flat on his back. "Well then don't annoy us because your bored," Shade snapped.

Kai groans over dramatic when he heard two female voices screeching from down the hall. Everyone looked up and saw Skylar and Nya were being dragged by robots and cussing them out and if the deep dents were anything to go by the robots had taken quite a beating from the two women. They got thrown in the cells besides Kai. Skylar was right next to him while Nya was another cell over.

"I know my rights! I deserve a phone call!" Skylar yells at the robots walking away. "Wait till I get ahold of some water you pieces of scrap metal!" Nya also yells adding a few cuss words like Skylar does. It was a solid two minutes of cussing before the two woman noticed they had a audience of four previously bored captives.

Nya's eyes lit up seeing Kai there. "Kai! Are you alright?" Nya asks. "Nothing I can't handle, but what about Zane and Cole?" Kai asks remembering what that lady made him watch. "Well they were pretty pissed after finding out about the fake you, but other than that I got zero clue how they are taking this. You ask me they are going to make a competition. Whoever rescues you first gets to be your boyfriend," Nya said and Kai groans dropping on to the floor again. "Gonna be honest when I heard the news I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair," Skylar said. "Not helping Sky," Kai grumbles. "So wait? This guy is being fought over by two of his teammates? Ha!" Tox started laughing her ass off and Shade clearly is enjoying the all might red ninja throwing a hissy fit for them to shut up.

"You did say you were bored," Shade said smugly. "Why!" Kai yelled in annoyance covering his ears as all the captives who could speak resigned themselves to annoying the hell out of him.

"Awwww come on does the red ninja need his boyfriends to come and rescue him like a helpless damsel?" Shade teases making kissing noises. "Shut up!" Kai yells red as his gi.

"He is totally a damsel. When they both asked at the same time who would date him he fainted because of all the blood rushing to his head," Nya said enjoying her brother's misery. Everyone laughed at him as he threw a hissy fit from complete and utter annoyance at them all. "I hate you all!" He yelled.

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