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Cole was glaring intensely at his breakfast as if it was the very bane of existence. Zane was quiet and had barely made a sound since yesterday. Jay and Nya tried getting something out of him, but he just looked at them scared and kept saying he was fine.

Cole also was trying too figure out how the heck his photo was back where it was when he felt the ashes in his palms? Was heart break making him go crazy? What he knew was not crazy though was when he saw Kai "accidently" spilt his orange juice all over him that morning. Cole was about to snap when Nya walked in. Kai very quickly walked over to her and started telling her how he really needed her help this afternoon. Nya said she was busy, but Kai insisted which now replaced Cole's anger with suspicion. Something was wrong here and he knew it, but did not know what. Kai's taken a complete one eighty since coming home yesterday and almost everyone knew it.

Including Nya which is why she kept saying how she was busy.

"Look Kai I really need too," Nya looks around and looked at Zane. "Need to fix Zane's sensory dilator," Nya said quickly and Kai looked at Zane who was looking at the pair. "Zane is fine he can't feel anything and what's the point in fixing anything? He's just doing it for attention," Kai said quite frankly. Nya looks at her brother gaping and getting angry really fast. Cole looked at Zane and saw the nindroid start silently crying at Kai's words.

Cole felt something he could not describe as he saw those tears roll down Zane's cheeks. How could Kai say that? What happened to his Kai? The one Cole would give his life for? Zane was as human as any of them and Kai even admitted he forgot Zane was a nindroid because of how much he means to them as a team. Cole quickly got up and lead Zane away from Kai who was being so mean. The second Zane was out of the room Cole turned him to look at him.

"Zane what did Kai do to you?" Cole asks. "It is not of your concern Cole," Zane said looking away. Cole was not taking that shit. "Zane we may have not been getting along lately, but we both know something is going on here. So you need to tell me what did Kai do to you?" Cole asks. Zane continues to be silent and tries to leave, but Cole holds a firm grip. "Kai burned my mother's photo," Cole confessed and Zane looked at him. "But that's your most cherished possession he knows...he shouldn' dare he!" Zane's confusion turned to anger quickly. "Now what did he do to you?" Cole asks. Zane looks away sad. "Do? Do you want to get rid of me?" Zane asks. "What?! Zane we have never even had it cross our minds we love you too much. What makes you think we would ever do that to you?" Cole asks. "Kai said I was just a waist of space and said other things that made me you all wanted to get rid of me and wished I was human," Zane said starting to cry again.

Cole gave Zane a big hug of comfort whispering soft words into his ear. "Zane we love you never question it. I don't know why Kai is doing this. Do you think he's being controlled or something?" Cole suggests. "No....but something is amiss, but I thought I was being paranoid," Zane said. "No something is definitely wrong with Kai to be doing this," Cole said. "But what?" Zane asks with a small sigh.

There was loud knocking at the doors and that was when the two noticed the position they were in and quickly jumped apart blushing. They got to the doors first with the others coming to see who it was since they never got visitors from really anyone.

Cole opened the doors in time to catch a man. He was older around his twenties and wore grey clothing along with a few metal pieces and he was exhausted. Upon closer expection they realized it was Neuro master of the mind and he looked like he ran up every single step.

"Neuro? What is the matter?" Sensei Wu asks as Cole helped him to his feet. "Ninja I must have your help a," Neuro pauses and looked behind master Wu. Everyone saw he was looking directly at Kai and before anyone could react Neuro took a ninja stare from Cole's belt and threw it hitting Kai right in the eye.

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