Nothing But Ash

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When Cole and Zane came back later they were in near tears and barely keeping it together.

Kai brushed past them as if they weren't even there with out sparing them the smallest glance. That was the final straw for Zane who burst into tears crying loudly and ran to his room to drown out his sorrows. Jay came from the hallway and seeing Zane running to his room in tears made him look at Cole. "Guessing he chose you?" Jay asks with a half hearted smile. Cole clenches his fists and wiped his nose.

"That red devil ripped out our hearts and treated them like trampled shit," Cole said with venom from heartbreak from his aching heart. Jay was confused by this, but Cole did not even attempt to elaborate as he went to the training deck and started punching the punching bag as tears ran down his face.

"Stupid stupid stupid!" Cole curses to himself. He was such a fool to think Kai ever loved him. Kai set his heart ablaze with love and admiration only too snuff it out with his heel and leave nothing but ashes. Cole punched the punching bag hard enough that it flung off the chain and hit the training bot behind it both going into the wall and leaving a hole in the wall that went right into Sensei Wu's meditating room which he was luckily not in or else he would have just become a pancake.

Cole breaths heavily and felt eyes staring at him. He turns and saw Kai standing at the door way leaning against it lazily with a smirk. For a split second Cole thought Kai had changed his mind and it was all some sort of test to see if he actually did love him to see how he would react. Cruel yes, but Cole wanted it to be true with every beat of his aching heart.

Kai held up a wooden frame a picture of him when he was young along with a picture of his mother. It was before she got sick and in the picture they were both smiling at Lou who was taking the picture by a fountain she designed herself. It was Cole's most cherished possession in the entire world. "I'm cold," Kai said and set it ablaze in his hand before dropping it too the fire proof ground.

"No!" Cole screams at the picture in a mili-second and stomps on the fire, but it was too late. The picture was in ashes and stained Cole's hands and he gathered them up as if he could put them back together again. His tears blocked his vision as he was on his knees looking up at Kai who was smirking like this entire thing was a funny chuckle. "Much warmer thanks for the fire fuel," Kai said chirpy and left.

Cole was in too much grief he did not even formulate a response beyond his muttered crying.

To The Real Kai

I don't know how long it was until Tox was dragged back down the hall. At first I thought she was dead only to realize she was groaning and stumbling. She made eye contact with me and I saw a flash of sympathy in her eyes before we lost they eye contact. During the tournament of elements Tox was not really the nicest to us and was not really a help or part of the remade elemental alliance. She did fight like the warrior she's descended from though when it was time to fight Chen and his cult for Ninjago and continued to do that when evil Garmadon was resurrected and fought with the others for Ninjago's freedom. So I do feel a similar feeling of sympathy for her like I do Shade.

Jacob I honestly felt not much since I never even spoke to him and he kind of got left behind after everyone assumed he was eaten by Clouse's giant pet snake and stayed on the island until Skylar decided to visit the island two months later because her alarms went off and was afraid a cult member had been left behind on the island. It was really just that Jacob had tripped up and was stuck in a large vase by the time she arrived and took him back to the mainland. Then when Garmadon was ruling he did not make a appearance at all. Like besides Chamille the master of form he was the only elemental master who did not join the resistance or get captured by the police and just stayed out of it all.

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