Is It Real Love?

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(Sorry I'm a jerk for not updating earlier)

Cole and Zane stared each other down both close to growling.

They didn't hear the others groaning and both stated. "Kai's mine," they looked ready to lock the other up somewhere so they could play the knight in shining armour and rescue Kai so he chooses them. Clearly nothing had changed and they still wanted Kai to be theirs no matter what.

"Okay that is enough!" Wu yells at Cole and Zane who looked at him. "Jay and Lloyd are going on this mission you two are not going anywhere until you sort this out!" Wu yells at them completely done with their fighting. They both looked at Sensei in shock. "But Sensei!" They both whined like children. "No buts! You have both acted like children and treated your teammate like a prize with no respect for how he feels. Have either one of you stopped to think about him other than yourselves?" Wu asks them.

Zane spoke first. "Of course I have I know for certain he would be happier with me," Zane said like it was final. "What do you mean you? He would be happier with me and not some tin can," Cole snaps and the ice master glares at him. "My calculations for starters and because I'm not someone who has a in ability to process his emotions and pushes them down and coping by eating unhealthy amounts of cake," Zane said.

Everything's silent for a moment because the ice master clearly struck a cord for the earth master before Cole growls and pounces on Zane pinning him to the ground in anger. The both of them started fighting on the ground while Jay and Lloyd had to pull them apart.

"This is exactly what I mean!" Wu yelled at them. "You are both staying here while we deal with this! While we rescue your team members I want you two to stop thinking about yourselves!" Wu yells at them both. He grabbed their ears and dragged them to the training room and pushed them in before locking them in.

"Was that really necessary Uncle?" Lloyd asks unsure. Wu sighs and said. "They need to settle this like proper ninja. This is worse than when Cole and Jay fought over Nya," Wu mutters the last part. "HE'S IN THIS MESS BECAUSE OF YOU!" Zane's voice rang out. "MY FAULT? WHAT ABOUT YOUR STUPID VISIONS WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE ONE OF THOSE HMM?" Cole yells back followed by a thumping and what sounded like powers being used.

"And if they murder the other while we're out?" Jay asks. "Then Kai doesn't have to make a decision and date whoever survives," Wu shrugs and they leave for their mission.

Back with Cole and Zane they had settled on opposite sides of the training grounds. It was silent for only five minutes, but to them it felt like hours. Finally Cole could not take it anymore. "He was going to choose me you know?" Zane stays silent not even flinching to show he heard him. "He said so at the movies while getting food for us. He said he would choose me, I went over and asked him if he wanted to make out after he chose me. He was even wearing the necklace I got him that's gotta count for something right?" Cole did not expect to get a response so he continued. "He said we would, he said so," Cole said smiling a little at the memory.

"He never said that," Zane said and Cole scowls. "How would you know?" Cole hisses. "I am a nindroid Cole I didn't actually need to go to the bathroom. I wanted to leave you both alone and see what would happen. If he was going to choose you I thought I should just get the pain over with," Zane clenched his fists. "You cornered him like a animal Cole. You made sure he was alone, you had him in a crowded area, you invaded his personal space, you touched him without consent, you gave him no room to actually make a decision, and instead you chose to just assume he said yes so you wouldn't be denied. He never said yes to you all you did was just assume so and pressure him into it without caring what anybody but what yourself wanted. How do you think he felt being backed against a wall like that?" Zane looks at Cole with a icy glare.

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