First day in school, Liv was nervous while Oliver was excited." Have fun." Meredith said before driving away. The twins looked at huge facade of the school. It looks luxurious.

They entered the school and were already greeted by 2 girls both have blonde hair and blue eyes." Twins?" Oliver asked confused." Do we look like twins to you?" One of the girls asked.

" Uhm.. Sorry I guess." Oliver apologized." Ignore her, she's just not in the mood. I'm Elizabeth Cleo Harper. School president. Call me Elise." Elise introduced.

" Jaycee Wilkins. Vice President." Jaycee introduced." Nice to meet you two." Oliver spoke, you could tell Liv was nervous.

" I'm Oliver Patterson."  Oliver introduced then he looked over to Liv. He nudged her gesturing her to talk but she shook her head.

" A little nervous. I see. Don't worry, I'm not mean." Elise assured her. Liv seemed convinced and calmed herself down." Olivia Patterson... Liv for short." Liv introduced.

" Assumed you guys are twins." Jaycee said. They both nodded." Follow us and we'll show you around." Elise said with a smile.

Liv smiled back at her. Elise and Jaycee toured them around and introduced them to some of the students, including Elise's sisters and best friends.

" This are my older sisters. Avery and Natalie, and my best friends Max and Liam."  Elise introduced." Nice to meet you both." Max greeted." Twins, how adorable." Avery said.

" You guys looks so identical." Liam said."  Of course they look a like. They're twins." Natalie said." Smart." Oliver said.

Natalie smiled. Days goes by, Liv felt weaker and weaker. As she was eating lunch, she felt anxious thinking she's going to gain weight again.

" Excuse me." Liv said excusing herself and run out of the cafeteria to go to the bathroom and threw up." Liv?" Elise called then she saw Liv throwing up.

" Liv, are you ok?"  Elise asked, helping Liv." I'm fine." Liv said wiping her mouth and standing up and going to wash her hands.

" I don't think you are." Elise said." No, I'm fine." Liv was in denial. As she's about to walk out she fainted." Liv! Help!" Elise yelled, so then Natalie and Avery came. Avery ran out and called Oliver, Liam, and Max for help.

Liv was rushed into the hospital. Waking up, headache greeted her." She's suffering with Anorexia. Did you know about this?" Liv heard the doctor asked." No. She was all fine, but I did notice she wasn't eating her lunch for the past couple of months." She heard her mom say.

" We need to do treatments with her before it gets worse." The doctor said." Do anything you can." Liv heard her Dad say.

" She's going to be fine right?" Oliver asked. Liv opened her eyes." Liv."  Oliver said sitting on the end of the bed then they heard a knock on the door.

Dale opened it." Uhm... who are you?"  Dale asked." I'm Elise, this are my sisters Natalie and Avery. And my friends Max and Liam. We're Liv and Oliver's classmates." Elise introduced.

" They're the ones who brought Liv in here." Meredith said." We just want to check on Liv." Natalie said. They all turned to Liv and waved a hi.

" Uh, hi." Dale said to a tall with dark brown hair guy wearing a formal suit together probably with his wife who's blonde and wearing a formal dress.

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