"U to eaT"

The two looked at each other and bust out laughing, bright smiles on their faces.


Undertaker shrugged "Jasmine is the best one" Cheyenne shook her head as she combed Undertaker's hair "No, bro, Earl Grey is so good" Undertaker chuckled "The Tea or the Butler?" Cheyenne gave Undertaker a look of disbelief before she shook her head and laughed "You know you wrong for that"

Cheyenne narrowed her eyes at him from behind 'How the fuck did he know about me and Grey'

She then smiled "UT, wanna see something funny? I found it the other night" She took out her Phone and placed it infront of him "Here!" Undertaker held the Phone carefully, tilting the screen in awe till he looked at the joke.

Undertaker turned back to her "I dont get it" Cheyenne shook her head "Read it again" He silverette looked at it yet again and read it over.

But, he then giggled and pointed to it "That is quite funny, Little One" The girl smiled herself and soon when back to playing with his hair. Cheyenne huffed and pat his shoulders "You must get lonely, UT. The only people that visit you are the dead, the people that were related to them, the Po Po's and Phantomhive. Aww, UT, you must get too lonely" She suddenly stopped as he grew quiet. Looking to his face, it broke her heart even more once she saw the frown on his face.

She then walked infront of him and wrapped her arms around him, making him jolt a small bit. She buried her face in the crook of his shoulder, tightening her hold "I'm sorry, Undertaker. I didn't mean to make you sad! I'm sorry if I gave you bad memories. Here," She backed away and threw her arms open "Yell at me. Call me names, make me feel lonely"

Her arms slowly brought themselves down as she felt him pat her head. Undertaker smiled at her "Now, why would I do that?" Cheyenne looked down, patting the hand that sat on her head "It's pay back. I just wanted you to feel better since I was a bit too insensitive. I'm prone to do that.." Undertaker tilted his head "D'aww, you were just focused on something else at the time. No harm done at all, see?" Cheyenne hummed as a small settle of guilt hit her. Undertaker poked out his lip in a playful manner, spreading his arms "You know what can make me happy?"

Cheyenne laughed as he gave her a big ol hug "This can!" Undertaker smiled at her while she returned the hug. Cheyenne twirled a few strands of his hair "Dang...You're such a dork, UT" The silverette giggled and pat her back "And you're a Crybaby"


"What? I'm just telling the truth~"

"I ain't even cry!"

"Your face said differently"

Cheyenne held him a bit tighter and smiled "Well...Were both lonely Misfits in this fucked up world. So, we can both be lonely together....However that goes..." Undertaker shook his head with a smile "Such an Oddball you are, Little One"

Cheyenne buried her head deeper in his shoulder while he sat his chin ontop of her head, letting her sit down down his lap. He chuckled once more as she started trying to get comfortable, looked like she was going to sleep. And what type of person would Undertaker be if he passed up such an offer? So, he sat back and closed his eyes, rubbing her back along the way.

'And a precious one at that'


Sebastian opened the door for Ciel, letting him step in "Undertaker, were here for Miss Gilmore. Thank you for watching her"

Ciel stopped and furrowed his brows at the sight of Cheyenne sitting on Undertaker's lap, combing her fingers through his hair as he hugged her from behind, his head on her shoudler. Cheyenne chuckled and held up a finger to her lips "Shh....He's sleepin'. Guess I'm too cozy" She had woken up first and shifted around in her spot. She tried to walk away but, Undertaker didn't seem like he wanted to let her go so quickly. But, hey, she still let it happen. Wanna know why?

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