Jacobi 24

586 45 39

I didn't know who these niggas were, I had never seen them before in my life; I wasn't even sure how they got in the party because I damn sure didn't invite them..... but none of that mattered, I saw Quran, Semaj, Ishmael, and Ishaan out there fighting which was all I needed to see. The thing I respected most about my boys was that if they saw me move, they moved with me and by the time I hit the closest nigga to me, there were about ten to fifteen dudes following up. Was it ho shyt to jump them niggas? Nah, they came to my house looking for trouble and found it, now had it been a one on one fight, I would've let Quran handle his business but it was eight on four and that threw all the rules out of the window. Finally, the dudes took off and hopped in a car, then sped off while I walked over to Quran who was checking his lip and trying to pull away from Semaj who was checking his face. His entire mood had changed, while earlier he had been angry and... if I'm being a little honest, a bit of a cockblocker, now he seemed to be bouncing around with excitement, like that fight was exactly what he needed.... I swear these BAF Niggas are something else.......

"Hold still nigga damn." I said checking Quran's face. "It's just a little cut.... you should be aight, so does anyone wanna tell me what the fuck happened? I literally just went back inside and everything seemed coo and next thing I know y'all are out here fighting." I said looking at Quran and Semaj for answers.

"We were just out here talking and some random dudes pulled up asking about the party, we told them that it was invite-only and basically over. I thought they were just going to leave but one of them decided they wanted to call me and Semaj some fags and..... there's something about that word that just.... So I dropped that nigga and his boys decided they wanted to play follow the leader." Quran said.

"You and August should've stayed inside.... we had everything handled." Semaj said trying to check Quran's face again, there was a small amount of blood pouring from Quran's lip but other than that. "Hold still....." Semaj said and Quran made a big production out of trying to pull away but finally, he relented.

"I want some Waffle House.... y'all trying to ride or do you wanna wait until after the party has cleared out?" Quran asked and I noticed that people were starting to leave in groups, as I stood there thinking.... maybe it was better if I stayed here with August, even after the fight he looked exhausted and I knew he probably didn't want to go anywhere.

"Nah, y'all go ahead... I got an appointment in the morning that I definitely need sleep for." I said and Quran nodded, while he, Semaj, and the rest of them walked over to Semaj's Escalade. Me and August walked back inside and there were still some people lingering around, most of them were smoking but these were people from my inner circle so I didn't mind them staying here. "Where the fuck is Naz?" I asked realizing that I hadn't seen him in a while.

"I don't know..... I'm about to go to bed though." August said kissing me before walking up the stairs, I searched around for Nazeer because I wanted to cuss his ass out for not being out there during our fight. When I got into the backyard I heard some muffled sounds coming from my poolhouse which was supposed to be off limits, I peeked my head inside and saw Scorpio with his legs pushed up to his chest and Naz was between his legs eating the fuck out of Scorpio's ass.......... "What appointment do you have in the morning?" August asked laying across the bed and looking at me when I walked into my room.

"I gotta meet up with Joy, it's been a couple of weeks since I've seen her and I promised her that I would come thru.... if she's willing to come in on a Saturday, the least I could do is show up.... I think you should come too, I mean she helped us with our relationship problems in the past and I feel like our time management is off so maybe....." I said looking at him.

"Yeah...... sure...... ayy open that door." He said pointing to the doors that led to my balcony, in the time that it took for me to walk across the room August was knocked out... like he was snoring and all I could do was smile because I knew he was tired. Hopefully, Joy would be able to help us better balance our time and maybe she'll be able to help me remember what I was forgetting.... But even now there were two things that were pulling my attention, that fight.... something about it just seemed off, this neighborhood wasn't easy to get into, and yet they seemed to have no problem getting all the way to my front yard and the second thing being this Black Rose meeting..... I knew that I had to be there but if it came down to choosing between them and August, would I have the wisdom to make the right decision?

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