Nazeer 55

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I was still trying to process what happened, it all happened so fast that I had to go back to the beginning.... I remember coming back from the fight and I was still coming to terms with the fact that Semaj and August were jumped because of their association with me. I wasn't surprised at Natalie's actions, she had been trying to kill me for months but for her to stoop this low. The last clear memory I had was walking into the house, I remember that because Scorpio had greeted me with a kiss and I remember wanting to call off this meeting so I could spend some time with my dude. I knew he was getting ready to go on tour and I wouldn't see him until Eleazar's lil concert or whatever, but I would have to pocket my lust because everyone started walking into my house, Scorpio gave me 'that' look and I knew we needed to make this quick. Obviously, the biggest issue in front of all of us at the moment was Natalie... how sad is that? During the last few months of senior year, when the only thing that should be on my mind is prom, finals, and graduation... I was worried about my mom trying to kill me... Sad isn't it?

"Ayy y'all give me a minute...." I said as everyone filed into the living room, I noticed Jacobi going into the kitchen and I just shook my head and smiled... When my dad got me this place, he told me this was supposed to be a place where I could relax, invite my friends over, and just be normal.... so far it's been anything but that, but seeing Jacobi making himself at home it gave me hope of what it could be.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to fight?" Scorpio asked once we were in our bedroom. Again, I couldn't help but smile.... he was so different than his PUBLIC persona... that dude in the music videos flashing guns with his shirt off or the dude who commanded the stage... Here he was gentle, soft-spoken, and a little submissive...

"How would it look if an award-winning artist, with a bunch of number ones, and a tour coming up was out in the streets fighting? That's a lawsuit for one, it could bring you a lot of negative press that you don't need right now... and more importantly, what if you would've gotten hurt?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"That doesn't matter... you know I'm more than capable of handling myself in a scrap. I've put you on your ass a few times if I remember correctly...." Scorpio said with a smile on his face.

"You do that in other ways... but IF we were ever to really get into it...." I bit my lip as Scorpio's hand slid into the front of my shorts and wrapped around my dick. "You gotta relax.... I got a house full of my boys and....." My eyes closed as Scorpio started suckin on my neck and stroking my dick.

"I ain't trying to fuck... I just wanna let you know what's going to be waiting for you once they leave.... I'm about to hit the shower." Scorpio said kissing me softly. "Don't be too long..." He said stripping out of his clothes and walking into the bathroom.

It took a few minutes for me to compose myself, once things had settled I walked back downstairs where Jacobi and Quran were in the midst of a heated argument. It seemed like Quran wasn't satisfied with the outcome of the fight and wanted to go back and get more answers, while Jacobi felt like we needed to focus our attention on Natalie.

"I agree with Cobi..." I said interrupting their argument before it got too heated. "I think it's best to go after the head of the snake... it's clear Natalie isn't going to stop until I'm dead and I'm tired of waiting.... She's made a lot of enemies, I think it's long past time we start using that to our advantage. Cut off her contacts, squeeze her to the point that she has no choice but to get sloppy...." I said calmly.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Quran asked and I could tell he was beyond annoyed.

"I'll call my dad, he has friends everywhere... I'm sure he'll be more than happy to assist us with his little assignment.... Also, I'm going to need the assistance of your little moving company." I said smiling. "I also gotta get in touch with Lucci and Slayer, y'all talk amongst y'alls selves, I'll be right back." I said walking back upstairs. I made sure Scorpio was still in the shower before pulling out my phone and making a quick call.

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