Nazeer 41

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To my shock I wasn't afraid of going to prison for killing that dude, I honestly didn't feel anything and that's what scared me more than anything because this wasn't who I was... I had never been this cold, unfeeling person; I guess your mom trying to kill you so many times would do that to you. I was sitting at this old farmhouse that belonged to my paternal granddad but now it belonged to my dad, I don't think I had been here since I was little and yet this was the first place I thought of when I needed to disappear for a few days... I guess you always find your way back to your roots. These few days of solitude were good for me, I felt safe here and this was the first place I felt safe since returning from my exile; my solitude didn't last long though because I saw Jacobi's car the second it turned up the long driveway leading up to the house, he wasn't alone; Scorpio and De'Vaugh were with him, I knew De'Vaugh's head shape anywhere and even though I couldn't see Scorpio my dick waking was what alerted me to the fact that he was in the car. I sat on the porch and didn't move as they all got out of the car, De'Vaugh and Jacobi moved slowly but Scorpio wasted no time rushing towards me.... I wished he would've come alone, it would've been easier to talk to just him and while I loved my cousin and best friend... them being here made me even sadder.

"Nazeer...." Scorpio said letting out a sigh of relief, then anger... one thing about Scorpio was he didn't hide his anger and he wasn't afraid to tell you what was on his mind so I already knew more likely than not, I was probably going to get cussed out. Our eyes met and his anger melted away and was replaced by concern.... "Are you alright Naz?" He asked stepping towards me.

"I'm...." My voice cracked, all the fear and loneliness I had been feeling over the last few days was starting to boil its way to the surface, I couldn't show weakness right now.... not in front of them. "I'm fine... what's going on back home? I left my phone over De'Vaugh's so I've been out of the loop since... since it happened." I said unable to meet Scorpio's eye out of pure fear that I would break.

"You don't have to worry... my dad handled it." Jacobi said and should've known. "So how much longer are you planning on staying out here because I was this close to finally getting Beaux to experiment when I got the 911 text that we needed to drive all the way to Bumfuck, Egypt to get your ass...." Jacobi said and I smirked a little because he was really mad, but I appreciated the fact that he wasn't treating me any different.

"How did y'all find me?" I asked De'Vaugh who hadn't said anything, this was the first time we've seen each other since I shot that dude, I couldn't imagine what he was thinking right now.

"Scorpio called Lucci, and Lucci gave us this place..." De'Vaugh said and that alone told me how desperate Scorpio was to find me because I knew he didn't fuck with Lucci like that, so the fact that he swallowed his hatred for Lucci just to find me.......... "Naz, you gotta come home man, everyone is worried... your dad is close to printing out flyers and plastering your face all over milk cartons.... Cobi's dad took care of it, so you're good." De'Vaugh said.

"Ayy... y'all can leave." Scorpio said suddenly. "I appreciate y'all driving out here with me but obviously he's not ready to come back otherwise he would've been back by now... y'all pressuring him to go home isn't going to help at all." Scorpio said and I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye but quickly looked away.

"Is that what you want Naz?" Jacobi asked and I froze, I wasn't sure what I wanted... I was certain I wanted food because I hadn't really been eating anything but snacks from the gas station up the street; as far as what Scorpio was saying.... I wasn't sure.... I missed being around my boys but I wasn't sure if I was ready to head home just yet.

"At least call Uncle Neji before we leave...." De'Vaugh said pulling out my phone and handing it to me. As soon as I turned it on I was bombarded with missed calls and text messages... I'd get to them later but I needed to put my dad at ease. Not wanting to have this conversation in front of them because I already knew... I got up and walked around the side of the house, I took a deep breath and dialed my dad's number.

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