Quran 15

784 51 31

My truth is that I wanted to beat that nigga's ass with a fuckin baseball bat; who the fuck did that nigga think he was smiling up in Semaj's face? But I played it cool mainly because of three reasons; 1) He was carrying a gun, though it was a little .22, I still wasn't going to risk being shot. 2) I know when Semaj is lusting after someone, hell all he had to do was look at me and I knew how badly he wanted me, but when he looked at dude there wasn't a mutual attraction, sure dude wanted Semaj but so did a lot of niggas. 3) Finally, I was learning to calm my murderous rage, or rather direct it somewhere else.... because when I caught Natalie, there wasn't a force on heaven, hell, or earth that would stop me from killing that bitch for what she did to my dad. We met up with Ishmael and Ishaan who had spent most of their damn money, see this is why I shouldn't have let these niggas go off on their own but whatever, I needed to get back to the house because I didn't trust that nigga Beaux and I wanted to make sure his dick wasn't in Jacobi.

"Tripp, what the fuck is the hold up?" I asked as Tripp pulled over to the side of the road. Sometimes I felt like he wanted me to hurt someone because he was sitting there ignoring me knowing that I wanted to get back to the house. "TRIPP!!!!" I yelled.

"Nigga don't you see that funeral procession? Gotta show some respect, relax it's almost over....." Tripp said and I looked down the road and saw at least a hundred more cars.... God must fuckin hate me and I was about to get out and walk but Semaj grabbed my hand and instantly I calmed down.

"Quran, nothing is going on between them and IF there is, truthfully that's between Cobi, August, and Beaux.... leave it alone, we got other things we need to worry about." Semaj said from the backseat, I looked at him for a second before nodding and climbing into the backseat with him.

"What are these 'other things' we need to be concerned with?" I asked and Semaj smiled before whispering something in my ear, my dick was getting harder and harder with each word he spoke and I was at the point where Tripp's backseat was about to be a playpen and just as we started kissing, Tripp started spraying us with water.

"Not in my backseat y'all ain't.... then right next to a funeral procession, y'all are disrespectful as fuck." He said shaking his head and I was about to remind him that he was the same dude who told me that he fucked at an actual funeral and also remind him that it wouldn't be the first or tenth time me and Semaj had fucked in his car. "Let me get y'all the fuck outta my car.... and weren't we supposed to be picking up your cousins? Why'd we leave them?" Tripp asked.

"They said they had some business to take care of, I'm not worried about them... my concern is...... OWWW!!!!" I yelled as Semaj grabbed my dick. "They'll be fine." I said shooting Semaj an evil look. The funeral procession finally passed and we made it back to the house, Jacobi was in the back swimming and Beaux was gone, Jacobi's bed was still made but that didn't mean shyt,

"Quran.... please don't tell me you're going to spend the entire summer playing cockblocker? If they're going to fuck it's going to happen, I'm not saying that I want it to happen but you know niggas are sneaky, they'll find a way. Plus we don't even know if there's anything there to worry about." Semaj said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"August is a freak.... Jacobi is a freak..... and Beaux gives me freak vibes, knowing them they're probably setting up a threesome. Even though I'm sure someone has told you that.... what we need to focus on is dinner with my parents tonight." Semaj said and I damn near choked. "I'm pretty sure I mentioned it." He said smiling.

"WHAT NO!!!! I fuck with your parents but.... please don't tell me Joseph is going to be there because I would hate to beat his ass in front of them and give them a reason to start hating me, I already feel like I'm on thin ice with them." I said quietly.

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