Tripp 13

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I had a new rule; NO MORE WEAK NIGGAS! What I meant by 'weak niggas' was simple if you got uncomfortable with kissing me in public you were a weak nigga. If I couldn't walk up to you in the mall and grab your dick and squeeze your ass, you were a weak nigga. If you couldn't call me daddy in front of your friends and family.... you were a weak nigga. I was too comfortable with myself to be afraid to be myself if that makes sense and I was at a point in my life where if you were my dude, you better fuckin claim me because I was damn sure going to claim you. Victor was a weak nigga.... nevermind the cheating and lies he told but the fact that he was now claiming that he was never gay and that I tricked him; yeah because my dick magically ended up in your mouth, or I tricked up into riding my dick in the principal's office.... Evan was a weak nigga too, I really didn't get why De'Vaugh even messed with him. I would've cut that nigga off the second he stole my artist but good ass made you do some questionable things so I would give him a pass for that. De'Vaugh definitely wasn't a weak nigga, the fact that he let me eat his ass while he was on live, proved that he didn't give a fuck what people thought about him and I fucked with that.... you know who else wasn't a weak nigga? My other lil boo...... I walked into Jacobi's living room and spotted 'my boo' sitting with his dude, being the petty nigga that I was I walked over to them, pushed his nigga off his lap, and took his place.

"Aight so what are y'all hoes talking about?" I asked as Semaj pushed me off of Quran's lap, playfully; they filled me in on all the details of this party and I nodded, so far the party sounded like it was going to be off the chain and I was starting to get excited. "I'm letting y'all know this now.. if the party starts to feel like a funeral, I'm pulling my dick out and causing a riot." I said shrugging.

"You seem like the type to pull your dick out at a funeral." Quran said laughing.

"I've fucked at a funeral before... my ex, not bitch ass Victor, but the one before him. His grandma had died and he forced me to come with him for 'support' halfway through the service a nigga got a woody and I needed it taken care of, so I made dude act like he couldn't deal and we snuck off to the restroom where after I fucked him I nutted in his eye." I said seriously as a heart attack.

"You are a wild as nigga...." Quran said shaking his head. "Is there anywhere you haven't had sex? Because you've told me some wild stories and I'm starting to wonder....."

"Surprisingly the one place I haven't fucked is at a wedding....which I find to be weird as fuck but it's on my list. You trying to smoke? Yeah, you're trying to smoke." I said grabbing Quran by the arm and pulling him outside. "Where are your cousins?" I asked once we got out to the back porch and Quran shrugged. "You mean to tell me that you let your cousins wander around ATLANTA alone. Nigga this is the Turnaniggaout Capital of the USA and you're letting their fine chocolate ass run around without protection.... both form; physical and sexual?" I asked.

"Them niggas will be fine...." Quran said.

"No them niggas ARE fine, that's the problem....if I was single I would've tried to turn one of them out by now... I'm surprised you didn't catch on to the fact that I was in a relationship when I didn't question you about them when I first met them." I said.

"That's the thing I thought you were still with Victor.... which is why I didn't think anything about it, all this time you were with De'Vaugh's ass." Quran said shaking his head. "But y'all seem happy together... like I can look at y'all and tell y'all really fuckin love each other."

"Yeah that's my baby forreal.... and before you start, it's not all about sex with us either we just fit... I'm wild, he's chill.... but we bring out the best in each other he calms me down and I liven him up. He's the only nigga I've given this ass up to, the first and last because when he get in his bag......" I said shuddering.

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