Semaj 51

291 30 11

I was all for this Kumbaya shyt that was going on between Quran, Beaux, and Joseph... but it was getting annoying as fuck. For the past three days, Quran has been MIA... usually, he would come see me in the morning before I left for school and he was usually waiting for me when I got home but since they've become butt buddies I haven't seen him and... I'm just going to admit it, I was horny as fuck. When Quran gets home from helping Beaux, he showers and crashes, leaving me horny and frustrated; I know it's only been three days but damn... three days is a long time to be horny. Then there was the looks, the three of them would be sitting in the living room and one of them would give a look and they all just start laughing, like they had an inside joke, and yes I was petty enough to be pissed because I hated not being included. Maybe I was being childish, but I would like to spend some time with my dude and it seems like the only time I get to see him is in those brief few minutes between when he get's back to Jacobi's house and when he showers, I know there are some who would say fuck in the shower... but I needed Quran between 75 and 100%, but I know he's been tired after moving boxes all damn day.

"Semaj... Semaj.... SEMAJ!!!!" My mom yelled snapping me out of my daze. "Boy I've been calling you for the better part of two minutes. Go answer the door." She said and I was going to ask her why didn't she answer it but A) I took really good care of my teeth and I wasn't trying to lose them and B) She was cooking and I knew once she was in her cooking bag, it was difficult to break her out. I got up from the table and walked to the door, as I reached the foyer Loyalty was walking downstairs with some brown-skinned chick.

"So I'm saying, are you planning on inviting me back tonight or what?" The girl asked Loyalty with a smile on her face.

"I would I really would but I got some business to handle that's going to have me out of town for couple days... but when I get back I'll definitely hit you up." Loyalty said smiling, I was just going to mind my business.... I opened the door to find Quran standing there.

"Hey..." I said as he pulled me into his arms, pushed me up against the doorframe and started kissing me. "Well damn, nice to see you too...." I said once he finally stepped back, the girl walked out of the house and gave me and Quran the stank face before getting into her car and pulling off... again no comment. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you but I figured you'd be helping Beaux." I said trying to control myself.

"Nah we finished last night... but I uhh...." Quran didn't finish but Joseph walked out with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth, dapped Quran up, and mumbled something about being in the car.

"You didn't come to see me did you?" I asked feeling my eyes shift from green to brown.

"Semaj it's not like that... I uhh... I thought you'd be gone for school. Joseph and Beaux are coming with me to pick up my suit for this dinner tonight and then we got some business to handle.... I figured we'd be finished by the time you got home, then we could spend some time together before I go with Jacobi to this dinner." Quran said sensing my rage.

"So what type of business do you have to handle?" I asked staring a hole into his face, Quran must felt my burning gaze because he shifted slightly and started backing up.

"Umm... I'll tell you about it tonight... all night and all weekend if you're up for it. That's my promise to you... you got me all weekend, we can do whatever you want in whatever position you want...." Quran said pulling me towards him. "But right now I gotta go...." Quran said kissing me and then dashing to his car. "LOVE YOU!!!!" He said jumping in the driver's seat and speeding off.

"Be careful what you wish for little bro.... you just might get it." Loyalty said when I walked back into the house. "Don't look at me like that... you don't scare me. You wanted Quran and Beaux to get along and you also wanted to get rid of Joseph, well you got what you wanted...." Loyalty said smiling.

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