Luciano 57

285 21 5

There was too much going on, and all I wanted was some peace but apparently, that was asking for way too much... Forget about all that shyt that was going on with Quran, he was doing alright and in good spirits, for me, the real drama was with me and that crazy ass nigga Fiorello. That dude was certifiably insane. I really couldn't explain what his OBSESSION was with me and Sebastian, but it was getting ridiculous and I was growing impatient with Sebastian's constant assurances that he'd 'handle it'. Fiorello had broken into my house AGAIN, he leaked me and Sebastian's sex tape, he was constantly online talking shyt but he'd never wanted to meet face to face. I was still pissed about what he did to my mother's grave and the more he taunted me the more murderous I became... and then there was Natalie. My ex-stepmom was trying to reach out to me but I didn't want anything to do with her, she was crazy as well and I refused to be a pawn in whatever game she was playing... besides, I blamed her for Sebastian not taking the whole Fiorello thing seriously, she currently had his undivided attention because he believed she was the more dangerous of the two. Like I said there was just too much going on and I was completely over it....

"Another date?" I asked Larenz who was walking through the house nervously. "So when am I going to meet this elusive Mr. Gotti?" I asked, I knew a lot of people but the name Gotti didn't register in my brain so he must not be that important or well-known. Not that I was judging but Larenz was a reflection of me so I couldn't have him dating no bums.

"I'm sorry did you say something?" Larenz asked and I rolled my eyes, it couldn't be that serious. "Oh Gotti... umm well you'll meet him once we move past the friendship stage, right now we're just filling each other out... Anyways, what do you have planned for today?"

"Probably go see Sebastian but that might not work out because he's been getting on my nerves and I don't feel like arguing with him today." I said getting annoyed just thinking about it.

"Well, I guess that answers my next question, so y'all are still having issues." Larenz asked and I wasn't sure how much info I wanted to divulge with him, I mean I still didn't entirely trust him, when he first got her he was getting fucked by De'Vaugh, granted he didn't know about me, and De'Vaugh but still..... "Lucci, I don't want you dude..." Larenz said laughing.

"I didn't say you did...." I said sharply.

"But you were thinking it... you were sitting there looking like you were going to kill me, trust me I know that look. Slayer is a good dude, he's no nonsense and he doesn't treat you like a kid... I think that's the real issue because you're so used to being babied that you don't know what it's like dealing with someone who treats you like an equal. Ayy so I'll catch you later, my ride his here...." Larenz said getting up and walking out, leaving me to my thoughts.

Here's my thing, Sebastian has yet to apologize to me for trying to accuse me of wanting to fuck Henny, which for the record, I didn't... He just moved on from the situation like it never happened and I want my damn apology. To me it was deeper than that, I believe that he felt that if I was given the opportunity I would fuck his boy and that's just not true... Sebastian didn't trust me and I couldn't be in a relationship with someone who thought I was out here fuckin any and everybody. Until we got past that..... I got a text and despite the anger in my heart I was hoping that it was Sebastian but it wasn't anyone but Amon, the dude at the jewelry store who was determined to fuck me. I ignored his text and got up, I wasn't interest... he was cute but something about him seemed possessive.

"Damn, that's three days in a row that you've been home. That must be some kind of record." My dad said walking into the living room. "Well since you're home I wanted to run something by you... I'm thinking about making Braciole on Sunday for dinner, and maybe Candied Almond Affogato for dessert...."

Exiled... AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora