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Woohoo! Its the holidays! This was so much fun to write!

EXTRA THANKS TO CaramelFander , for letting me use their prompt. They have lots of great Sander Sides Prompts that if you ask to used can make great books so go check them out!!

This is a poly fic, which means all the Light Sides are in one big couple. Don't like, don't read!


NOTE! I ahven't seen all the Sander Sides episodes, just the ones important to the overall plot. But I'm still all caught up so yeah. I also used the "Emile" character even tho I've never seen them before. I kinda used them for convince. So please don't yell at me saying "Emile isn't a girl!" Or "Emile doesnt act like that!" They were just a. Blank slate for me in this


First: I do not own "Sanders Sides". Thomas Sanders does.

Second: I'm not the best writer. My spelling isn't the best and my grammar needs work.

Third: I'm making this up as I go along. So sometimes the story might feel like it doesn't make since.

Forth: Unless I say otherwise, none of the artwork shown is mine,

Fifth: When this is in bold and in () that means I, the author, is speaking.

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