Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Dream

Where am I? Why is it dark? I observed a faint light and decided to follow it, believing it to be the exit. However, the light overwhelmed me upon opening my eyes, leaving me surprised by the sight that greeted me. To my astonishment, I discovered two unfamiliar children happily engaged in play. Their identities elude me, but their joy is evident. Abruptly, the scene changed, and I found myself in a park. The two girls remained present, now accompanied by a boy.

"Baby Zay, according to my mother, we are relocating," stated the girl with curly hair.

"Where are you moving to, Scarlet?" inquired the girl with short hair.

"I do not possess that knowledge, Baby Zay," Scarlet responded, shifting her gaze towards the boy who was in their company.

"Hey, D! Please take good care of Baby Zay, all right?" Scarlet requested of the boy.

"I assure you, Scarlet, I will take care of Zay. You need not worry," the boy earnestly promised. Subsequently, the three children vanished, and I once again found myself enveloped in darkness...

When I awoke, my eyes were met with the sight of a pristine white ceiling. I found myself pondering the identities of the three children who appeared in my dream. As I shifted my gaze, the sensation of someone gripping my hand became apparent. To my astonishment, it was none other than the President himself, securely holding my hand while in a slumber. The query arose within me: should I disturb his rest by awakening him?

However, my rumbling stomach impelled me to rouse him from his slumber. I lightly tapped his arm in an attempt to stir him but to no avail. I proceeded to intensify my tapping, finally succeeding in rousing him. The President appeared even more startled upon discovering my awakened state. In a flurry of questions, he exclaimed, "Are you all right? What do you require? Are you hungry?" amused by his actions, I burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" he inquired, seeking an explanation.

"Well, it's simply the amusing expression on your face," I jested. In response, he emitted a snort, causing my laughter to intensify. However, his glare quickly silenced my mirth.

"President, I am hungry," I expressed, prompting him to rise and retrieve something from his bag.

"Here," he offered, extending some sustenance to me. As I partook in my meal, I couldn't help but feel uneasy with the President's intense scrutiny. Fueled by this discomfort, I devised a playful prank.

"President," I called out to him.

"Just address me as Dimitri," he stated. I acquiesced to his request.

"Dimitri...," I called out to him once again.

"Why?" he inquired.

"Open wide!" I exclaimed, placing a spoonful of rice and a dish in front of him. He merely stared at me, prompting me to pout.

"Please!" I pleaded with him. He did nothing but consume the food. I also noticed that his ear had suddenly turned red. I stifled my laughter because he looked adorable while blushing. He shifted his gaze away, but I couldn't help but continue laughing. My stomach ached from laughter, and he glanced at me!

"Haha, you look so cute," I commented, pinching his cheek. I ceased teasing him because he already had a negative perception of me. But hold on, why am I here at the clinic?

"Dimitri...," I called his attention as he was engrossed in reading something.

"Why?" he questioned.

"What am I doing here in the clinic?" I asked him, causing disbelief to register on his face.

"You do not recall anything?" he inquired with disbelief. I lightly scratched my head as my memory failed me.

"Absolutely nothing! The most recent recollection I have is of seeing my brother." I provided him with an answer to his question. He let out a sigh, rising from his seat to join me.

"You came close to ending someone's life." my eyes widened in response to his statement.

"What?" I exclaimed in shock.

"You nearly took someone's life, fortunately, your brother intervened." he proceeded to explain the situation. Oh, how close I came to killing someone once again. No, not close, because I had indeed taken a life. What could be happening to me?

"Where is he?" I inquired about my brother's whereabouts.

"I do not know; he did not mention where he intended to go." naturally, my twin must be hiding in this very place. Yes, that is correct, I do have a twin, but he mysteriously disappeared, and now you are telling me that he is here!

"Dimitri, I am grateful for your care." I expressed my gratitude towards him. My friends were nowhere to be seen, and he was the only one present with me at the clinic.

"You're welcome, Zay. You are my queen, which is why I am protecting you," he said. I was taken aback when he referred to me as Zay. He said something else, but I couldn't hear the last part as he whispered it. The dream I had came to mind because that's what the boy called the girl. I brushed it off and glanced at the wall clock, startled to see that it was already 7:30 PM. I needed to return to the dorm. How long had I been sleeping?

"Dimitri, I am going back to the dorm," I bid him farewell, and to my surprise, he stood up.

"I will escort you to your dorm," he offered. I had no choice but to accept. Perhaps there might be someone wanting to confront me again, like the incident the other day, so it would be safer if someone accompanied me back to the dorm. We left the clinic and walked together. Before long, we arrived at the dorm, stopping in front of the dorm door.

"Good night, Dimitri. Thank you for taking me back to the dorm," I expressed my gratitude to him.

"Good evening, Zay," he stated. I patiently waited for him to depart before I proceeded to enter the dormitory. Upon entering, I noticed the absence of my friends. I couldn't help but wonder why they weren't present. It was already dark outside, so I assumed they might return later. I decided to lie down on my bed and picked up the book that was conveniently placed next to my pillow. Since I wasn't feeling tired yet, I decided to read. As I immersed myself in the words on the pages, my attention was drawn towards the study table. I noticed another flower placed on it and became curious about its origin.

The note attached to the flower read, "I miss you, twin, take care of yourself" – Z.

A smile formed on my face as I read those heartfelt words. "I miss you too, twin," I whispered in response. I returned to my bed, continuing to read while waiting for my friends. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.

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