Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Silence

When I awoke, my companions had yet to return, and concern flooded my thoughts, fearing that perhaps they had encountered some unfortunate circumstances

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When I awoke, my companions had yet to return, and concern flooded my thoughts, fearing that perhaps they had encountered some unfortunate circumstances. I refrained from heading to the Student Council Office and decided to check our classroom instead, on the off chance that they might be there. However, upon arriving, I was dismayed to find them absent. Consequently, all that remained was for me to assume my seat and resign myself to waiting. Lamentably, my friends were nowhere to be found, even though the commencement of class was imminent. I patiently sat through the arrival of Ms. Ciara, attentively listening to her lesson.

With no indication of my friends' presence even as the class drew to a close, I made my way to the Student Council Office as my initial destination. As I entered, I spotted them engrossed in conversation, including Dimitri.

"Hi, Zaylee!" Eliezer exclaimed upon laying eyes on me, prompting a courteous smile in response.

I ensconced myself in the seat adjacent to Shaun, quietly absorbing the dialogue that transpired.

"Is something wrong?" Shaun inquired, undoubtedly perceiving my uncharacteristic reticence.

"My anxiety stems from the fact that my friends failed to return to our dorm; hence, I find myself tormented by worrisome thoughts," I fretfully confessed.

"Are you certain?" Shaun questioned.

"Yes, I have not yet seen them since last night. Upon waking up, I had already checked their room but they were not there. I also searched the classroom, but they were nowhere to be found." It is unusual for them to miss class, so I am genuinely concerned for their well-being. I did not realize they had overheard the conversation between Shaun and me.

"You mean to say they were absent last night," Blaise responded and I nodded in agreement.

"Do not fret, they are safe," Dimitri assured me, surprising me. Does he possess knowledge of my friends' whereabouts?

"Do you know where they are?" I inquired, waiting for his response, but he did not answer my question.

"Do not worry, Zaylee. If they do not return later, we will assist you in locating them, all right!" Eliezer reassured me, and I accepted his offer. I am aware of his concern, as Ruhan is his friend as well.

Shmuel stood up, causing all of us to turn our attention to him.

"Let us proceed to the cafeteria," he suggested, and we rose to our feet due to our hunger. It is already lunchtime; thus our appetite is understandably substantial!

We have already arrived at the cafeteria and, as usual, someone has already delivered food to us. While we were eating, Celeste suddenly addressed us.

"There is no need for us to search for your friends any longer," she stated.

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