Day 22: Disrespect

Start from the beginning

"Loves gymnastics" he says moving on and pointing at Jason. "Jason todd. Disappeared for about six months and came back. Loves guns and literature interesting mix" she says before moving on from him thanking the God's he didn't comment just glare. She points at Barbara.

"Barbara Gordon. Unofficial child. Is a master in hacking and nickname is Babs" she says not being disturbed as the girl assess her nodding but she just frowns sighing. She moves on to Cass.

"Cassandra Cain adopted daughter. Enjoys ballet, sparing and blending into the shadows. Rather keep silent. Nick name Cass" she says as the girl assess her nodding. She moves on to Tim.

"Timothy Drake another adopted child. Child genius as is good with mostly technology. Loves puzzles and video games. Mostly refered to as Tim but by the glare I'm guessing I should call him timothy" she says sighing as she moves on to the last child.

"Damian Wayne. Only biological son of Bruce. Loves animals and killing people another interesting mix" she says smiling as she receives a glare.

"Dinner is ready" Alfred says coming in saving her from a rather awkward situation. They enter the dining room and sit around the rather large table. Marinette of course sits next to Bruce and Stephanie. The rest don't seem to like her.

"Tt that's my sit" Damian says.

"Not anymore Damian and you have to get used to it" Bruce says glaring at him and the rest of his kids because of their behavior so far.

"Tt" he says moving to another sit. Soon everyone is eating dinner.

"What do you do" Stephanie asks eyes shining.

"I do a lot of things but mainly designing" Marinette replies smiling. "I'm hoping I'll get to tell you about my jobs as we get to know each other better"

"Do your jobs include any nightly activities" Jason asks making Bruce choke on his food.

"Excuse me but are you accusing of being a prostitute" Marinette asks raising an eyebrow.

"What if I am. What you going to do" he asks glaring.

"Nothing I guess" she replies sighing. "Wouldn't be the first time"

"Mari-" Bruce says.

"It's okay Bruce they don't know" Marinette says sighing before putting on a smile.

"How old are you" Tim asks "you seem to young for Bruce"

"Well my family did say I was allergic to aging" she jokes making Stephanie giggle. "I'm 33" she answers sighing.

"Two years younger than him" Damian scoffs.

"That's hypocritic of you" Stephanie says defending the poor woman. "Jon is two years younger than you Damian and I'm a year younger than you Tim" she says making both boys scoff.

"It's okay" Marinette says smiling as Bruce wonders how she's hasn't broken down yet.

"Have you heard of MDC" Dick asks.

"Yeah I've heard of her" she says still smiling.

"You will probably never reach her standard" he says.

"Dick" Bruce shouts knowing very well who MDC was.

"It's okay Bruce" she says smiling. "Whatever you want to believe Richard" she says smiling as Alfred passes the cupcakes around.

"I don't trust them" Damian says glaring at the baked good. "She might have poisoned it"

Cass, Babs and Stephanie just take a bite not wanting to be part of the argument that is about to go down between the boys.

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