Ch.66 To Stage 3 💕

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I remember all to well of her words about me to the reporters. I hid behind a pillar while listening to her words. I knew the attention would be on me if I go in and save her from those nosy people. But I see her walking away afterwards so I tried following but this girl of mine runs away from me. 

"The next page is about the Girls' semi final match." Komori announced as some boys came up to him and see while I wanted him to read it out loud again. 

"The Girls battled against one of the Top Kansai Region Schools after defeating Geba in the Quarter Finals in 3 sets. The scores of the Semi Finals:  25-21; 24-26; 29-31. Due to a concussion in the beginning of the 3rd set, Shimotsuki had to be taken out. Overall, she scored 10 kills in the 1st set, 10 kills and 2 aces in the 2nd, and 2 kills in the 3rd. Throughout the last set of the match, Itachiyama did not waiver or performed badly. They played with the sense of urgency and effort that their Foreign Ace had stated after defeating the Interhigh National Champions." 

"Hey, how is Miyuki, anyway?" A 3rd year teammate asked as I flashed my eyes at him, furrowing my brows at the mention of her with her first name. 

"Uh, she'll be back next week on Monday." Komori answered for me as I hummed in response, knowing that the question was for me but I hated that he said Beautiful Snow's first name. 

"Hey, Coach is here." A 1st year teammate announced as we all straighten up for his arrival to get this meeting going before going home. 


"Maybe you could go over there right now?" Komori asked again, walking to the commuter. "I'm sure she won't turn you away. Remember she was suffering from a concussion."

"So, I assume she already told you?" I asked nonchalantly. 

"Yeah." He shows me his phone. I read her text messages and furrowed my brows. 

"I don't want to make her concussion worse, Komori." I walked faster as I heard him sigh. "Like I said, I am giving her privacy. I'll see her on Monday."

"At least send a text asking if she's alright." He pressed on. "Like letting her know you care about her. Or letting her know you love her." That word. Saying that out loud does not suit him to tell me that. 

"Of course I do." I burst. "But I would rather say it to her in person."

"Sakusa, you're so stubborn." He face palms as I shrug it off. "It seems to me that you're punishing her for snapping at you. Come on, Sakusa."

"I don't know, ok?" I looked at him with stern eyes. "I'll think about it ok? I'll see her on Monday."

Tbh, I don't know how to come back from that. It's been half a year of dating and whenever we get into fights, she would come to me. The one from where she forgot our 2 months which was totally on her. The one with the text message from her cousin who called me average. And now, I literally don't want to. 

It seems like my pride and thinking are what's keeping me like this. She wants space even though I was trying to care for her in that room. And I'm giving it to her. 

Is this still loving you, Beautiful Snow??


"Omi have you visit Miyuki-chan?" Mother asked at the dinner table. After 2 days, Mother and Father had to be at a gala that's part of my Father's company retreat. "We've been told by Komori that she's suffering from a concussion. Is she alright?"

Beautiful Snow💙Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang