Ch.34 Promise

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Miyuki's POV

Geez, when did he become so bold? He didn't have a girlfriend before. It must've been Aratani and Komori. I squinted my eyes at the back of Komori's head as the lesson went on. I felt eyes watching me from the front of the class but I didn't care. I have Kiyoomi and that's all I need to fill in that hole of loneliness. I looked out the window and notice the trees are shaking.

I thought of my Father. How I miss him. How I wish I could've stayed here and be best friends with Keiji-kun and Zume-kun. How I would watch him and the Bakeneko Tigers play every year. But I'm grateful though. I got to play volleyball in America, thanks to Mother for allowing that.

I always wonder what if my Father's still alive. What if he didn't have that argument with my Mother and surviving the accident, even if he wouldn't be playing, I still wanted him to watch. I felt tears filling my eyes and I quickly blink and try to dry it with my fingers. If he was here, he would've met Kiyoomi. They're similar in appearance but Father would be taller and more..muscular. I blushed underneath my mask as I realized that I'm now thinking about Kiyoomi as muscular.

I hummed softly to myself as the bell rings for lunch. I put away my notebook and pens as I stand up. Stretching my legs since it was tight from sitting down too long.

"Miyuki-san?" Komori stands up as well. "Would you like to eat with me, Aratani, and Sakusa?" I was about to say yes since I'm getting hungry but Kiyoomi grabs my pinkie and started walking towards the door. How rude, leaving your cousin hanging.

"She has food." Kiyoomi states as I waved goodbye to Komori who's got an amused look before smiling.

"Have a nice day, Miyuki-san!"

As we got outside, girls started to stare at us. Some were crying~ Really? Some were running away with letters or boxes of snacks, and then crying Geez! Some boys too but went back in their classrooms~ Omg! Can this school get any better at minding their own business?

Kiyoomi then held my hand as I looked up at him while he just casually stared straight ahead. Some girls were bold enough to come up to us and tried to give him chocolates or letters but he raised a hand in defense, wanting to decline all gifts from fangirls.

"Sakusa-senpai! Please accept this letter."

"Sakusa-kun, please accept these chocolates."

"Sakusa, I made you some fruit snacks."

Yes, they're now too close in front of us, despite holding hands. I felt the tension in Kiyoomi, waiting to burst.

"Please, excuse us." I pleaded softly, but the girls wouldn't listen as one pushed me to the side as I felt like tripping over my feet. Kiyoomi's grip on my hand pulls me towards him as I felt a hand behind my back that's covered with wavy black hair.

"My girlfriend said excuse us!" I heard a rumble in his chest as I felt my cheeks getting warm. I never heard him this upset before. Kiyoomi glares at them and raised his voice. The girls were stunned after I turned my head, they seemed frightened as Kiyoomi clicks his tongue in annoyance as he started to walk around them, dragging me behind with his hand still latched to mine. He walked swiftly so I had to run a little to catch up to him.

"Kiyoomi, where are we going??" I asked, still in confusion.

"To peace and quiet." He answered, sensing the irritation in his voice still there.

"And that is...." I furrowed my eyebrows as he began to slow down his pace.

"The gym. I...want to spend time with you." Kiyoomi mutters as I see a blank look, knowing he must be serious. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

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