Ch.7 Y U Lookin' At Me?

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Miyuki's POV

I sighed as I looked out the window. I'm annoyed. Stupid fangirls. Immature and don't know what personal space is or what mind your own business means either. I heard something as the song ends and I look to see Sakusa looking at me. 

We locked eyes for a good minute until I felt uncomfortable. I furrow my eyebrows. "Stop looking at me." I groan in annoyance but in reality I felt embarrassed. He's attractive even with the mask. Geez what are you thinking?! 

"What?" He said dumbfounded and furrows his eyebrows as well. 

"You're gonna make my face have a breakout, u gonna make it worse." I whined as I grabbed my small moisturizer and apply it on my face after I tuck my mask underneath my chin. 

I hope I don't get a pimple. I am in distress lately, all because of him. Because of his fangirls and....and..........because of him. 

Sakusa's POV

Is she speaking in her weird English language? What the hell did she just say? What's wrong with her? Did she just said my eyes will give her a breakout? My eyes are sanitized and clean!

"You're crazy." I stated. "I am always germ-free."

"I ain't a germaphobe like you, Mr. Side Looks at people weirdly." She snapped. 

"Don't call me that." 

"Which one?" She sneers. I started to get irritated and impress at the same time. No girl would actually hold a conversation with me. Especially a normal one. I find it cute when she talks out loud. I kinda enjoy talking with her. I feel awake and alive more now which is unusual. 

I watch her put on moisturizer and it's intriguing me. She's taking care of her face. Is she like me? For real like me? Acts like me? Well maybe she's little crazy. 

She places it back on and turn to me. "You've got annoying fangirls." I deadpanned. Obviously.

"I am the #1 Ace in the country." I furrowed my brows. 

"So I've heard." I see her scoff as if she's stating the obvious. "Volleyball Monthly." She points up, making it look like I was about to ask. I was going to which makes her a little crazy to know that. "Can't enter the Volleyball World in Japan without knowing who're the Top Players or Schools. Or even how the season goes." She plays with her fingers, I notice she had black nail-polish on it as she observes her ring finger on her right hand.

"Preparation into something totally different will help ease Life or Volleyball a little bit better for a foreign player like me." 

Miss American Transfer Student.....I wonder what position you plays for volleyball. I recalled the small key ring that has a golden volleyball on her duffel bag. You are becoming interesting every single day. Every time you talk. Every time you do things. And every time you think.


Miyuki's POV 

I wanna go to the gym so bad. I only got 1 more class and that's it. The bell rings as I jumped outta my seat and brush pass Sakusa, who had a few classes with me, who I avoided eye contact with.

Art Time!!!!

I walked inside and then the class started. Ironically, our project is about drawing all your grudges and dislikes into one thing. The negativity on a single rather large canvas. 


I squealed lightly underneath my mask as Aratani looks at me confusedly.

"You ok Miyuki-chan?" I just waved it off.

"I've got an idea for the project." I started sketching a person's face on a portrait paper in front of me to layout my idea while Aratani looks over my shoulder.  After a few minutes she got the picture.

"What happened between you too?" She asked.

"He annoyed me today." I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "His fangirls especially. Thinking I dress up to impress." I felt all my emotions of negativity went through to the portrait as I sketch him looking at me from class today. Maybe I'll draw the fangirl's face. LOL. Her makeup and fake nails included. 

To be honest, I felt a little tingly of regret. But this is part of the project. I dislike anyone who doesn't mind their own business. Who invades personal spaces. Who just look at me and....make my heart go 💓💓

I ain't going down that road again. The boy I dated last year, was a butt. He didn't go to my games for 🏐 or Track N Field. I understand that bc it's just running but Volleyball can get you all hyped up. 🔥

I forgot about it. The feelings I had for him. It just... evaporated into thin air. Which is good bc I am better now and I know my worth.

If I want to settle with someone, good luck to that boy bc I claim to be a very cautious person and have
Trypophobia (Don't search images), Love personal space (6ft unless u r Aratani)
And OCD. Aratani pointed out that I put hand sanitizer after 30 seconds of putting it on. 

Aratani asked if I was a germaphobe but no. I don't fear germs or bacteria. I dislike having them on my hands and face because I'm scared for another break out.

That's why I shower after I practice. Like right after a meeting, run to the locker rooms. 

I continued to sketch out my idea, not realizing that Aratani would tell someone about it. I was curious on what she's up to since I remembered her asking me about this when we first met in practice. I shrug it off since she's an outgoing friend. It made me ship her and Komori-san. 

I wonder if she ships people up just bc, like I do sometimes. 

Beautiful Snow💙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora