Ch.20 The Sage Woman

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Normal POV

After practice, Seika made amends with Miyuki even if she was embarrassed and Miyuki accepted her apology and told her she already forgave her this morning. 

Miyuki and Aratani met with Sakusa and Komori who were walking out of the school. It was almost 9 as the 4 stopped at a convenient store on the way to the commuter station. Miyuki insisted that she'll go to the one by her house since it's convenient for her. She said goodnight and walked away but Sakusa caught up to her. Miyuki nods at his presence before continuing to walk.

"Is the drama gone now?" Sakusa asked, breaking this awkward silence. Miyuki hums as she looks straight ahead.

"Like disinfecting your hands." Sakusa chuckles softly as Miyuki laughs at her own joke.

"That's funny." He murmurs as they boarded the commuter. They both sit next to each other and Miyuki sees a familiar elderly woman across from them. The woman notices the 2 and smiles.

"Oh my, you are a celebrity couple." Miyuki and Sakusa blushed and looks away from each other. The sage woman giggles as she pats an elderly man's shoulder who was dozing off. "Anata look, that's the couple I was telling you about. They look perfect together don't you think?" The old man readjusts his glasses and nods for the sake of going back to sleep but his cheery wife won't let him.

"Young lady, what is your name?" The elderly woman asked as Miyuki looks at her from across the way.

"My name's Miyuki Shimotsuki." She nods to the woman with her mask in her left hand, folded inwardly. The sage woman hums as she intertwines her fingers. Getting lost in Miyuki's features, most importantly her eyes.

"Beautiful Snow." The old woman said softly as Sakusa looks at the woman and then at Miyuki who grins. He felt annoyed but reassured because an old lady said it as not some young boy. He wouldn't want to hear a guy calling Miyuki that because personally, that's his nickname for her. "Shimo means frost and Tsuki means Moon. What a lovely name for a young miss with beautiful eyes." Miyuki chuckles softly and nods to the old lady.

"Thank you."

"And may I ask," She went on. "What's your boyfriend's name?"

Miyuki was about to say something but Sakusa hums in amusement which made her look at him. He nods for to say his name. His full name. She sensed that and goes on. "Kiyoomi Sakusa." Wondering why would he let this lady think that they're boyfriend and girlfriend. They weren't. Well, not yet.

Sakusa's POV

Just hearing her say my name, my heart is pounding and the way she looked at me. I must thank the old lady. She is letting me see Miyuki without the mask. I learned that she only takes off her mask when it's necessary. When she's speaking to the elderly, her team, coach, or teachers. But rarely, she takes it off when she talks to me. I wonder why.

"Oh?" The lady paused before turning to us with a smile. "Name's don't really matter for a couple, anyway. As long as you communicate, trust, and love one another. Right Anata?" She turns to her husband who dozed off again. Miyuki chuckles softly before putting on her mask again.

The commuter stops as the old couple stands up. "Goodnight, young couple." With that Miyuki waves at the old woman before the doors closed. I gotta give that lady credit because the things she says is increasing my confidence for some reason. I smirked underneath my mask as I now realize that we both are alone.

"Sakusa?" She asks softly, not looking at me. "Why would you let that woman think we're a couple?" I became flustered as my heart began to pound. She then looked into my eyes. I see no coldness but a mix of confusion and curious.

"W-well." I tried to speak normally. But I sighed because I don't want to sugercoat anything. What's the point since she's smart enough. "I want to be more than just acquaintances." I see that Miyuki furrows her eyebrows which I think she's going to say something that'll make me sad.

"You're subtly adorable, you know that." Huh? I too furrowed my brows as I hear her chuckling and then she puts on hand sanitizer. "I don't see why we shouldn't be more than acquaintance but yet again I don't want to move too fast or else. Remember?" Ofc. But it's hard to be patient with her. But if it's spending as much time with you then I'll take it and try and be grateful for it.

"Ofc. I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I shook it off and then sighed a little.

Miyuki's POV

My feelings with you has gotten more stronger and greedy. It's like I want to cuddle with you and I know you are a germophobe but still. I don't want to be reliant on my emotions like last time. I rather take it slow or else I'm going to be on an emotional rollercoaster. I felt sympathy when I heard him sigh a little.

I sighed to and said. "Please ask me what you said to me before lunch." He looks at me confused but then recalled what he said. His eyes soften as it met mine. My eyes, basically pleading him. "Will you eat with me?" My eyes smiled as I tugged on my mask.

"Yes, I want to eat with you."


"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, Coach cancelled saying he had a sports meeting."

I hummed in response "Good." We got off and walked to our neighborhood. I couldn't help but feel my heart beating loudly in my chest. I feel...excited.

For like a week, we've been texting and seeing each other before na dafter school. We played Icebreakers again since I can tell, after our picnic table talk, he's still eager to ask more questions. I didn't mind, I'm curious about him too and wouldn't dare to ask something personal or else I'll look like a hypocrite. Sometimes I would apologize because I fell asleep like one time and he then calls me Ms. Sleepy Head. Then I would say Mr. Icebreaker.

It's nice to be talking to someone who you have some things in common. Usually he would share his wipes or his hand sanitizer because he would think mine is not strong enough. He would spray me sometimes just because. He said some of his fangirls was giving me "dirty looks". I laughed at that in my mask before turning away even if he would be confused about why was I laughing. I liked his actions of trying to stay clean and healthy. It makes him look more mature which some girls are into boys who're mature.

🎶That's my type 🎶

Sakusa walked close to me as we walked in silence. Usually he does anyway which I got used to that. As we approach my house. I turn to him as took off my mask. Surprisingly, he did too but it just hangs on one ear.

"I'll text you when I get home." I nodded, staring at his face that is up close for like the first time I guess. Even if it dark, I can see from the light poles. He then sprays the air in front of us and around me which I chuckled softly at his actions. He then towers over me as I had to look up into his eyes since he's unbelievably tall. I wonder what's he doing because it's unlike him to do this being a germophobe and all. He then leans to the side of my neck, above my shoulder. I can smell the coconut scent from my conditioner and I'm pretty sure he does too. Even with the mix of the disinfectant mist.

I felt him breathe deeply as I looked at him sideways. A long strand of thick wavy hair nearly tickled my eyelashes as I tried to turn my head. He's really close to me. I could smell a faint masculine scent along with the disinfectant mist which taunted me to just inhale it deeply if I literally move closer and hug him. But I wouldn't do that. I want to see what he'll do. He then pulls back a little and whispered in my covered ear. His voice became more huskily and I couldn't help but get shivers up my spine. I inhaled sharply after he said,

"I'm excited."

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