Ch. 4 Her Hair

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Normal POV

After practice, Miyuki ran to the locker rooms to shower since she hates sweating so much that her hair and clothes stick to her. She hates when she couldn't scratch her face because of her dirty hands. She's not much of a person who hates germs (Cough coughs) she hates when people get near and touch her face or her hands since she takes care of her flawless face and her cold smooth hands. 

Her team wins before the bell rings as Mai's team were sweeping and putting away the net and ball carts. Her hair was damp from brushing her hair but it began to curl and become its normal self that shows her wavy strands. 

She dressed herself with black sweatpants, black shirt with a golden claw mark on the bottom along with her black jacket that has golden markings and designs on it. 

Aratani come out of the showers with her towel on her arm as she approaches her locker next to Miyuki. 

"Miyuki-chan," She stares at her as went to put on her slippers from America, showing her black nail-polish toes. "You look like a model." Miyuki hums as she puts on her mask. 

"Ah, thanks." Miyuki sits on the bench near her things. "Shall I wait for you?" Aratani beams as she quickly gets ready to leave. 

"Thanks!" Aratani smiles as Miyuki smiles behind her mask. She puts on her earbuds and checks her phone to see if her Aunty texted. 


I'm going to visit my cousin in Miyagi, I won't be back until tomorrow.

I made mac n cheese for you! It's on the stove.


Thank you! ❤️❤️

She places her phone and started to think about MacNCheese because she's already hungry. Aratani pokes her because she thought that she's listening to music. They said goodbye to their teammates as they walked out of the gym. 

Miyuki went out first as the wind carried her conditioner from her damp hair. She didn't notice that she walked in front of guys as Aratani stops and talked to them. When she notice that Aratani wasn't beside her, she looked back and saw Komori and Sakusa. 

Sakusa's POV

My mind couldn't turn away from the image of seeing blue eyes outside of the gym. I was having trouble practicing and focusing as Komori asked if I was alright. I sighed as I wonder why her. Why would think of a girl who's mysterious and...beautiful? I had to admit to myself, she is pretty and her skin's flawless, she looks like a model. 

As Komori and I head out of the gym we walked towards the girls' gym, when we're in front of the doors, a girl walks out and the wind started to blow and I smelled a strong scent of coconut. It smelled great but I notice it came from her, I remembered her black hair with dark blue tips as another girl bows to Komori while I was staring at her back. 

She turns around though and walks back to us and she blinks at me then bows her head. Komori waves. 

"Hi Shimotsuki-chan!" Komori waves as Miyuki nods. 

"Hi." A soft voice came from her as she looks at Aratani. 

"Well, see you guys. Bye Komori-kun!" Aratani waves at us as Miyuki bows before leaving, she looked me. I couldn't help but return the gaze again. 

Komori notices me frozen as he got my attention. 

"Do you like her?" I furrowed my eyebrows and started walking. 

"Why?" I nonchalantly stated. 

"Idk, you seem off lately." Komori shrugs. "I ship you both." With that I blushed a little bit and thank god I'm wearing a mask or else he would tease me about. 

Why would I like her? 

"Is it because we are wearing masks?" I asked and he smiles. 

"That and something else." I raised an eyebrow. 

"Does she hates germs?" 

Komori laughs. "I gotta find out." 


Miyuki's POV

I don't know why but my heart is beating faster. I brought my hand to my chest as Aratani and I walked to the commuter stop. Aratani places a hand on my shoulder. 

"Are you ok?" 

"I guess don't know why my heart is beating like this?" I confessed since I started to trust her. She's the only second year other than me in the team since the other transferred to Inarizaki. 

She gasps. "Do you like someone?" I stand by the commuter stop and looked at the tracks. 

"I'm not sure." I sighed thinking about the time in America, how I went into a relationship and then it turned out to be a fake and toxic one. I didn't want to get into boys stuff again. I have a love for volleyball anyway. 

I told Aratani about my time in America a few days ago and I'm glad she can understand. She's a really outgoing person. And for some reason, I began shipping her with Komori because of their interaction. 

My mind trails to Sakusa. I think that's his name, I'm really good with names but his name is close to Sakura. I hummed. 

Do I like him? I asked myself. My thoughts were soaring through my brain as it began to hurt. Why would I start to have feelings for a guy I don't even know? Is it because my feelings are trying to latch onto someone? Damn these feelings!

I was playing Love Song by Selena Gomez. Sometimes, I play love songs in order to picture myself with the man of my dreams. Or the perfect guy I would want to marry. Not the one that back in America. EWWW. That's pretty immature of me to be obsessed with him. 

I didn't notice that Aratani's talking some people but I didn't mind. I stared straight ahead. The station wasn't crowded thank god. I would've just feel awkward and listen to music. 

I started humming softly to the chorus. I leaned on my right side and put my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I teared up a bit because this is my father's jacket. It's a large but Idc. I basically wear his shirts and clothes after he passed and retired from MSBY. 

It looks so cool that I decided to wear it even if my Mother said it's not like a lady. What a lady like her? Please. 

I continued to hum but then I felt something warm next to me and I begin to fix my bangs on my forehead. I looked up to only feel my heart stop

Sakusa's POV

We head to the commuter station and I notice Miyuki with her friend by the stop where me and Komori were going. Komori notices too as he quickens his pace to scare Aratani. She playfully hits him while I notice that Miyuki's standing with her back facing us. 

Even if my phobia tells me to not go up to her, I'm curious on what she's looking at. I stood next to her, she's a bit short, like up to my chest. I smelled the coconut scent even stronger as I notice her hair is damp. I heard a soft hum as I lean to her eye level, my hands in pockets as I blinked. 

She stares straight ahead thinking. As she hums to a song. She fixes her bangs with one hand as I notice she is listening to music. She looks cute and sighs. The scent even grew stronger as I stared at her eyes. She's got long thick eyelashes which makes her eyes stand out even more. I was lost in my thoughts before I even notice she's looking at me. 

My heart started pounding. 

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