Ch.22 See U Again

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Normal POV

They stopped at a store to get some supplies and went to a flower shop to get flowers for her Father's grave. Before her Mother took her to move to America, her Father's funeral was held and he's in the Yanaka Cemetery. There were times that she had to convince her Mother so she can see him. She barely remembers because most of her pleads were ignored or rejected. Her Mother saying it's either visiting her Father every year or playing volleyball. 

His gravestone must be dirty she thought. She put some gardening tools like garden gloves, small hand cutters, and a sickle. She's grateful that Sakusa tagged along because she did not know the customs of tending graveyards in Japan. A new culture she isn't accustomed to yet. As they approached the entrance to the cemetery. 

"Do you know where your Father is?" Sakusa asked underneath his mask, carrying a plastic bag while his hands are in his pocket sweater. She held the flowers of Carnations, White Chrysanthemums, and Red Spider Lily. She scanned each section of tombs. She pulls out her phone and looks at her Lock Screen. She holds it up in front of her and then knew where he is. 

"Come on!" She starts to walk faster which makes Sakusa try and catch up to her but didn't want to spill whatever's in the bag. 

Miyuki stops in front of a tomb that is under a sakura tree. She stares at the name. And felt her heart beating faster and felt a rush of happiness when seeing the name of her father. 


Yukiya Shimotsuki

*I hope this is the right symbols to use. I didn't take Japanese but I like to try something new and learn new things. I am from America and our graves are placed above where we bury our ancestors.*

Miyuki's POV 

I finally get to see you. After some many attempts and pleas to Mother. Father, I'm here and I'm back. I inhaled sharply and tugged my mask off and put it in my bag. Even if I'll get my hands dirty and will touch my face, I will always show my face to the people that deserves respect and my full attention. I crouched down and placed the flowers down as Sakusa does the same next to me. 

"I'm going to clean first." I told him as he opens the plastic bag to pull out gloves. He gives a pair to me as I accepted it. We both tend to his grave even if Sakusa isn't a family member. I can tell his cleaniness kicked in because as I stopped pulling out the weeds, he continues on clearing out roots that are sticking out of the soil. I then went to scrub the tomb. After a few minutes of thinking I was done. He then points to something.

"You missed a spot." He squints at a shape that looks like a muddy stain. I hummed and then used my nails to scrub it off. 


"Yes." He then gives me a satisfied look which I chuckled softly. 

He dusted his hands afterwards and gave a huff. He even prepared the water in a dipper from the cemetery as I trimmed the flowers so it'll fit nicely in its cup. 

"Thank you." I nod to him as he gives me the dipper of water. I poured it gently on top of his tomb and even in the cup that held the flowers. As I was done, I stand up and stretched my legs and looked at the tomb with satisfaction and a little happy because the grave looked like it hasn't been clean or looked after for years. 

"Would you like to pray?" He asked. I gave him a curious look. Until I remembered that we'll need to pray after tending to the grave. In America, I believe in God and I know how to pray but not like this. I didn't know what to say. But all I wanted to do was speak to Father and tell him how I am doing.

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