Ch.53 Pessimistic Boyfriend

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Miyuki's POV

Blood?? I looked over myself. I don't have my period and we're wearing dark green shorts and yellow shirts. I preferred we wear our black shorts with dark green shirts but no, Aratani wanted to wear the brightest shirts.

Aratani jerked my left hand up and examined it. It stings a little bit but of all this time, I never felt it actually excruciating. Coach Ichika looks over it too as everyone crowds around me. Oh geez, no the body heat and sweatiness.

"Miyuki, did you not feel the pain?" Coach asked, looking amazed as she unravels the tape of my ring and middle finger. I now notice the red around my nails. I tried to flex my fingers now and I winced in pain.

Coach looks at the girls and notice that Coach Haku called for them to proceed with the match.

"I need to continue." I said as I wrapped my fingers up and went to court but Coach Ichika stops me and pushed me to the sideline.

"Coach, I'm making a substitution." She informs Coach Haku as he nods and gestures for Aratani to be subbed in. I felt overwhelmed and embarrassed since I am the only one who got a minor injury today. Aratani pats my back before going onto the court.

I sighed as I didn't know my tape unraveled itself on its own. Almost on cue, Coach Mika from Shiratorizawa walks me to their club room and it's bigger than ours.

She made me sit down as she stands and sanitized my hands and hers before examining me.

"Did you felt the pain?" She asked as she took off all of my tape on the fingers with blood at the nails. 

I shook my head as she grabs alcohol and q-tips. She sighs softly. "You must've taped it too tight which cause your fingers to go numb. When you use your hands to set or even get one touches, your tape must've spiked off of your finger tips. It's amazing how you manage to not feel that. Now, can you flex your fingers slowly please." 

I did what she said as I heard a knock on the door. Coach Mika called for the person to enter as I was surprised to see Kiyo-kun here, he's wearing his mask but I can tell he's got a terrified and worried look on his face. 

"I'll be with you shortly." Coach Mika informs him as she carefully dabbed the q-tips that has alcohol on it as the blood transfers, I winced in pain as she apologizes. "It seems like you cut your nails recently. Which made the skin around your nail to tear open." I hummed in response as I know that Kiyo-kun might faint or something because he's listening.

"Will she be okay? Is anything dislocated? Will she bleed again? What about her other fingers?" He asked as Coach Mika stands up and nods to him. I felt a bit embarrassed to have him here like I'm in some hospital.

"The bleeding isn't severe. I cleaned up the nails and it just needs time to grow back." She puts bandaids on my finger tips, covering everything. "You'll need to see me afterwards so I can check if everything's alright. The other fingers seems fine since I don't see any physical pain or redness on the tape."

She then tapes my fingers, not to tight or loose. "But, if you do feel pain again, you need to stop or else it might get worse."

"I understand. Thank you." I nodded as she packs up her med kit. I flexed my fingers and showed it to Kiyo-kun who urgently looks it over, as if there's any blood or it it's perfect.

"Okay, you're good to go." She said as she turns to Kiyo-kun. "Do you need something,?"

"Sakusa's here because of me. Sorry." I bowed before grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door. "Thank you so much!"

"Beautiful Snow, you can't go back in." Kiyo-kun mutters as they're on a timeout. Amazingly, the score is: 20-15. And it looks like we used a timeout. I turned to him as he gave me a worried look. "You were bleeding. What if it happens again? What if you break a finger? And not play in the Qualifiers. Or even make it to Nationals with me?"

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