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8 years ago

"Mama?" A little girl with ice blue eyes and short wavy black hair stood by the door of a room. "Where are we going?"

The girl watched as her mother packs clothes in a suitcase. Little did she know that the suitcase was hers. She noticed her mother sniffing as she packed her suitcase.

The little girl went to her mother and hugged her legs. The mother sobs loudly as she embraced her daughter. This made the little girl tear up.

"Yuki-chan, Mama is sorry." She managed to say in her shaky voice. Before Yuki can say anything. A tall man came inside the room as her mother shivered and held her daughter tightly. "Mama, loves you very much."

The man sighs and grabs Yuki and her suitcase. The mother went on her knees and painted the floor with her tears.

"Mama?" Yuki asked, giving the man a worried look. She has the same eyes as this man and has a blank expression. He turns around as Yuki looks back at her mother who cried on the floor.

As they walked out of the house. Yuki looked back at the house she grew up in as a baby.

"Papa?" Yuki asked, a tear dropped on her cheek as she continues to stare at the house. Before he puts her in her car seat. He made her look in the same eyes.

"Yuki," His deep voice had a sad tone. "We are going to back to Tokyo." Yuki blinks and looks back at the house.

"Never look back." His voice made Yuki flinched but obeyed. "Your mother did something terrible which you cannot forgive her for. We will go back to Tokyo so you can play volleyball."

Yuki blinks happily. "Volleyball?" Her father kisses her forehead as he puts her in the car.

"Yes, like your Daddy."


My name's Miyuki Kageyama/Shimotsuki. I was born in America like my Mother. But she moved to Tokyo and met my Father at Itachiyama.

Mother excelled in academics and transfer to a university in America. Father excelled in volleyball, became the Ace at 6'2 and was one of the Top 3 spikers in the Nation.

He stayed in Tokyo to play for MSBY Black Jackals for a couple of years before marrying my Mother in America. After 8 years of marriage, Father found out that when he was in Tokyo for the MSBY, Mother was pregnant. But he couldn't remember when he slept with her as he was busy with training, volleyball, and family back at home.

After his season was done he confronted her where we were living in America. She confessed and he felt ashamed of having her as a wife. He left her and divorced her, moving back to Tokyo.

Father then taught me how to play volleyball since I was interested in it as a little girl.

I went to school in Tokyo where I met 2 guys the same age as me. We became friends in Elementary. It was sad that I had to leave because I was told that my Father got injured during a game in America so my grandparents took me to see him.

He needed surgery and then the doctor said he needed to retire bc if he gets injured again, he may not ever again walk.

It broke my heart seeing Father like this. He loved Volleyball. After he got out of the hospital, Mother surprisingly visits us but to Father dismay he ignored her and showed little to no interest.

I had to spend time with her anyway since that was in the Divorce papers. Father wanted to stay in America for me but Mother then argues that he shouldn't. I began to get scared as their fights got to intense.

He even left the new house she lived in but little did he know that a truck was coming towards him but he couldn't moved as fast as he used to.

I stayed by his side, crying in the hospital, waiting for him to wake up. After a few days he did. He held my small hand, looking at the same eyes as me and said.

"My Yuki," He managed to say. "I wish for you to follow your passion. Even if the world is against you, giving you false hope, fight back and never back down." I couldn't help but started crying as my heart felt it has a huge knot.

"Papa?" I sob.

"Never cry again. Never look back." A single tear came down as we both look at each other. "Your mother can give so much more. All I can give you is a love for Volleyball. Please continue on playing for me."

"I will Papa. I love Volleyball too." I cried louder as I knew as a 13 year old, that Papa won't be by my side. Papa won't see me play physically. Papa won't be there to watch me.


I had to live with my Mother after I said goodbye to Father who was buried in Tokyo and my friends.

Mother allowed me to play volleyball in middle school and even my first year in high school. But I told her on my birthday that I wanted to go play volleyball in Japan like my Father.

It took her a lot of convincing but I told her I'll be staying at my aunt's house that is near the school that she graduated from. But mother couldn't really accept it or understand but idc.

I hated her for her actions because I find it dumb to see that she never wanted the kid that she had with someone else so it was sent to the orphanage. I felt sick and cold towards her, like Father since he found out.

All I care about is volleyball. In middle school and high school, I played as a Setter and Libero but never officially a Wing Spiker, or what America calls it: Outside Hitter. After registering for me as a 2nd year in Itachiyama, I moved into my Aunt's house. I was using my cousin, Nakano's old room since she is a 2nd year in college playing as a Setter.

I even mentioned that volleyball is a family thing since my cousin, Tobio Kageyama is attending Karasuno as a 1st year. But she just let me move here anyway. It's like she is the only one not playing volleyball. Grandpa coached in volleyball but never once would she touch or play with Father. So I have been told. 

It felt like she is tarnishing the Kageyama name but I just let it go since I didn't care. 

I put my name down on the registration as Miyuki Shimotsuki. My Father's name. Not telling her.


I tried out for the club and it turns out they wanted player who takes the position as Ace. They knew who I was since my father attended here, he too was a famous player that played for MSBY Black Jackals. I took it since I was also looking to be a Wing Spiker since I played as a Setter and Libero in America. I found out later on that they want to be on the same level as the Boys since they are the National Champions. 

It would be great to go to Nationals like my Father so I bonded with the team and they accepted me even though when outside of the gym, in school, I would become unapproachable since that's how I was in America. Nobody was there when I got cheated on. The only thing that got me through was Father's love for Volleyball. 

Quick question

**So, my eyes are ice blue and if I'm really fired up for some action, I would have blue flames, right?? **


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