Miyuki Shimotsuki

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I forgot to do like an OC bio, sorry. If you're wondering what Miyuki is capable of in volleyball, well enjoy!! 



Mid-waist, Black Wavy hair with dyed blue tips, a beauty mark on her chin and one above her jawline on the right side, soft shaped lips, and Ice Blue eyes. Birkin-styled bangs. Well-built body, small curves but her legs shows her muscles, shoulders too, soft flat stomach, and busty. Dark blue or Black nail-polished nails. 

Wears her homemade masks in order to protect her skin from breakouts, prevent herself to not touch her face as a force of habit. 

Height: 5'9 (One of the tallest girls on the Team) 


Switches off from Shy & Cautious to Aggressive & Strong. Wants to be alone sometimes to recharge herself from all the excitement. She is self-motivated and driven even if she's in pain. 

She's quiet and observant but will speak if needed. Can be seen during games. Where if they lose a point, she doesn't react as scared, just a calm composure because she is just thinking how to counter it or improve on a mistake she made. Raising a hand to apologize to her teammates and refocusing. She would smile and cheer with her teammates if she's fired up and becomes restless. Normally she'll just celebrate by holding out a fist or clap or nothing at all.

Does not want to be the center of attention but somehow, when she's on the side, she will get notice by almost everybody. She assumes it because of her eyes. She hates any nosy people. 

She'll snap at anyone who offends her, making her unpredictable because of her mood swings. She hates starting something or learning something new and stop halfway, feeling a bit restless because it bugs her a little, feeling a bit curious as to what comes next, and feeling motivated to continue on doing it without stopping in order to feel satisfied with her results.

When you are her close friend, she'll open up and show that she cares by asking or helping out, giving life advice, etc. Most likely to Aratani. Despite her shy side, she can do things first hand and think about the possible, negative outcomes. When she gives Umeboshi onirigi to Sakusa, she was a bit hesitant because she never gave a gift to her ex or another guy for that matter. She become more daring even with Sakusa. 

Smiles and a weird sense of humor, making herself laugh is what Aratani thinks is a good way to pump yourself up. But she'll question if it sounds a bit murderous. Aratani thinks it's sarcasm.

Disgust by someone touching her bare skin, might think it's going to get in effected or might transfer to her hands and to her face. She flinches when a sound comes up out of no where. Te 1st years would prank her when she thinks she's the first to go in the locker room but Hina, Hekima, Seika jumps out of no where and squealed "Sakusaaaaa!" She almost died of laughter and eventually flicks to a deadpanned ice blue eyed girl. The 1st years were a bit shaken when they saw her spike with a different aura when they were doing the drill of digging a person's spike. 

Aratani, the team, and Sakusa are the only ones to make her smile....and blush in embarrassment. But with Sakusa, it's something else.


Power: 3/5
Jumping: 3/5
Stamina: 3/5
Game Sense: 5/5 
Technique: 4/5
Speed: 4/5

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