Chapter 4

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Chaeyoung smiled as she got a new friend which is just close to her soon-to-be-home, in short, her new home.

"Kim Dahyun." She said as she prepare the foods that she bought. She grab plate and utensils before she start to eat with happy vibes on her.

Earlier, the two of them exchanged cellphones so the girl won't need to be with Chaeyoung when telling the ways. Kim Dahyun is the name of the girl, she is older but she preferred to be called Dahyun only.

They became friends and, actually, suit each other's taste when it comes with entertainment.

Dahyun would text her some corny jokes while Chaeyoung send back with some daddy jokes. They react happily with the conversation, in the texts, a while ago.

She even forgot that she is hungry when she met Dahyun earlier.

You could say that they became close already, even in short time.

Chaeyoung finish eating and wash what she used.

~Fast Forward~
(Next Day)

Chaeyoung woke up, feeling excited to meeting this Mina girl. She stretch and start to do her morning routines happily.

She get her fully packed luggage and two big bags. She get downstairs but stop when she is halfway the stairs.

She is strong and all but can a small girl carry all the heavy stuff by herself?

Before she could continue, someone called her...

"Are you Ms. Son?"

"A-ahh yes."

"Let me help you with that." The very good looking man said before he get all of the stuff on Chaeyoung's hand and carefully putting it inside the lamborghini.

Chaeyoung just follow the man before she sit down on the driver side while the man sit down on the driver seat. The luggage and two heavy bags are on the back seat.

Before the man could start the car, Chaeyoung notice that she forgot something inside and mostly, it's the most important one.

"Uhmmm... Mister?"

"Just call me Taehyung or V. What is it?"

"T-taehyung, I forgot something. Wait here." Chaeyoung get out of the car and run fastly so Taehyung won't wait long.

She get the most important thing and get back in the car.

"You forgot your plushie toy?" Taehyung asked, starting the car.

"It's not just a plushie toy. Look, this plushie is given by someone special." Chaeyoung said.

The ride is silence but Taehyung open the radio and music start to play. The two jam with the music until they got into the new house.

"You are a great rapper."

"You are also a great singer."

The two laugh together.

"Wait." Taehyung go to the other side of the car and open the door for Chaeyoung.

"What a gentleman." Chaeyoung said, making the two of them laugh again.

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