What Comes

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Aloha POV:

It was fun living.
And It was fun having my parents.
I was still in the process of forming when I lost them...Only a kid who didn't know how to react to their deaths....

I still remember their names, personalities, and traits...The little shack I grew up in on the beach.
Days were great, and those were the times I felt alive.

"Aloha! Paddle kid! You'll make it!"
I was struggling upon the miniature waves.
Caught out of breath but so desperate to ride my first wave. So, without permission or hesitation I straddled myself up and began...
Only to nearly drown from the heavy wave...



I wake up sweating with a strange jolt coursing through my body. My grandmother is the one who kept yelling for my name. She enters my room in a hurry, slamming my door and throwing a cup of water onto my bed.
"Wake Up! Your alarm has been going off for fifteen minutes!! Get up and go to school!!"
She screams then abruptly exits, slamming my door closed once again.

I whine and flop onto my wet mattress
So squishy...
I thought and wrestle myself out of bed.
Having those type of dreams boost up my mood but also drags me down. It's nice to remember them but, still hurts to think about it.

I change my clothes into my normal gear and start searching for my bag, man I hate school...
But into the mess that is my room, I found it and now hurry out of my room. I live with my grandparents now after my folks past away a few years ago, they were kind in the beginning but as I grew older well....

"Took you long enough. Get going before the school calls." She bickers while her husband sits at the kitchen counter eating his meal. I groan and enter the kitchen to open the fridge but immediately closes it shut as I had it half way open.
"I'm hungry."

"Go!" She yells with her finger pointing to the front door. I scoff and leave the kitchen, but before exiting the house itself, my grandfather ever so graciously gave me a morning greeting.
"Next time, wake up. I don't want to hear that Damn alarm again." I nod politely and leave the house, finally having a breath of air.

"Fuck...here we go..."
I spoke to myself and walk down the street. Like I said, my grandparents were kind to me when I first arrived because they pitted me, but as time went on they saw me as an insect, and that's when my grandmother started to blamed me for her sons death.

I'm immune to their cruel behavior, only took six years..but it's fine, I do everything I can to stay far from that house and for as long as possible.
So, I have to thank my friend Diver for that.
He's my go to buddy who hooks me up with some good meds that can last me months.
And speaking of the devil, I finally see him.

"Oi! Aloha! How are you, my handsome boy~"
He greets me by wrapping his arm around my neck as we walk to school together. "Just fine. Hey, you got anything to eat?" He grins and pulls out some brownies that are hiding in a brown bag.
"Oh! Duuude! You're a life saver! I needed this just now~" I gleefully spoke and snatch the bag from his grasp, shoving three down my throat.

"Geez, didn't eat this morning?"
I chew and swallow my 'meal' to answer my friend.
"The sons of a squitches didn't let me eat, again." He blows a raspberry and brings me closer so he can whisper in my ear. "Don't worry Buddy, I'll take care of you. No need to worry!" I honestly didn't need to worry when he was around, I can be myself and he can give me the easy way I need.

Entering school grounds we both see Straw and Octo waving to us with happy faces. "Hey!!" Straw yells and runs over to us, giving large, warming hugs.
"Uh! Come sooner, it's so boring without you guys-" Straw cries and hugs Diver who embraces it and picks up our friend. She begins to giggle once he swings her around- "oh? Would that make you happy my sweet baby!~" Diver and her laugh as Octo and I begin to walk down the halls.

"Snorkel, did you bring the treats today?" I guess Octo is still pissed at Diver. He snorts and drops Straw, pulling out the brown bag. "Wonderful! Let me have some!" Straw snatches two and gives one to Octo. "Your welcome." Diver rudely addresses with Octo flipping him off. I scoff and walk over beside the upset squid.
"Still mad at him?" I whisper so she can only hear, with her replying-
"The fool can go to hell." And leaves Diver with me in these crowded halls.

"She's really pissed with you..." I acknowledge and take a bite out of my forth brownie. With his slight irritated groan he reply's with an excuse.
"I didn't think she would care."

"You know that she likes you! She finds you sexy~" I grin toward him with flattery eyes. "Every girl finds me sexy! But..." I shove with a friendly nudge with him chuckling.

"You slept with someone, and it wasn't her."

"Yeah. But hey! Who knows, maybe I'll be more considerate toward her. However, I now have to run because I need to get to science so I can make more of these brownies! Text me when they kick in!" My friend Diver runs down the hall, shoving people aside. He's such a thrill to be around-

Oh fuck.
And of course to start of my school day, I bump into someone who I wish wasn't here at the moment.
I turn around but with a slight shift of my foot I hear something crunch below.
"ALOHA! Get Off!!"
I step away but my weight crushes what's left below.
Forge, scatters on the floor, collecting what's left of her project. She stands and growls at me with threatening glances.

"Watch where your walking! Geez! Cant you be more cautious!!" She yells and throws scraps at my chest.
"Just because you don't take school seriously, doesn't mean that you can be careless." I swear to god, she pisses me off the most. I'm HERE aren't I!!?

"Listen here, miss goody-"

And when things couldn't get worse. He arrives.
"Let's go." She huffs and makes up more drama...
"Army, he broke my project!" She whines like a small child. "I'll help you remake it before your class. Please, let's go." I'm not going to lie I don't really like Army or Forge. Their team is just so...sophisticated. Their style...
I'm most definitely not a fan of.

Forge leaves with furious eyes while Army and I stay in the halls together and stare each other down.
"Please watch where you're going next time." He said and begins to walk away. "You're not the boss of me. Tell her to stay away, I'm not dealing with you or her." I walk away before he can a remark on what I said. I hate this school and everyone who participates in it.


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