
Start from the beginning

“Likewise, Speedwagon. Still sporting that scar,” You said. 

“You as well. Does it still hurt? That blade was jagged,” He grinned at you. 

“What are you doing here?” You asked as he tossed the match off to the side once it burnt out. 

“Allow me to elucidate ya,” He said. “I had a hunch Jonathan’s run of trouble might not be over. So I followed him home. Looks like my hunch was right if a rat like you is here,”

“Watch your mouth, arse-licker,” You spat. 

“Living in the gutter, you learn to spot lowlives pretty quick if you want to see tomorrow,” Speedwagon said, stepping around Jonathan and closer to you and Dio. “I’ve trained my nose to snort out the good ones from the bad, just from a sniff. This fella here reeks of brimstone and blood worse than anyone I’ve laid eyes on! He’s pure evil right down to his very bones!”

“Watch it!” You barked, sidestepping as Speedwagon kicked the candlestick from the table. Jonathan gasped as Dio didn’t flinch, but instead grinned a little. 

“Is he a victim of circumstances, you’re wondering? Not on your life!” Speedwagon exclaimed. “He’s been evil since he drew his very first breath! But don’t you fret, I’ve brought you a friend!” Reaching behind the curtain, Speedwagon seized someone by their collar and threw them out into the open. Dio’s eyes widened and he gasped beside you. 

“This man confessed to selling you the poison you used on your father,” Jonathan said. You glared at Dio, silently warning him to keep his composure. 

“I’ve heard quite enough,” George said, making Dio snap his head to the direction of his voice as the doors swung open to reveal him and five other men, all officers of the London police. This situation just got much worse. “You break my heart. Why, Dio? From the day you arrived, I have loved you as if you were my own son.”

You could understand the look on Dio’s face. Dare you say you felt sympathetic for him. You knew what it must feel like for those words to be spoken to you, especially by the person you hated for the longest time. You hated that you could relate with Dio at the moment. 

“Father,” Jonathan said, as George began to cough. “You’re still too weak to be down here.”

“You’re right, I’ll return to my chambers,” He said. You saw Dio’s face twisting with anger as he clenched his jaw. “I don’t want to see my boy in chains. Do what you must, Jojo.”

“ I will,” Jonathan said. You stepped back as Dio stood to his feet, and held his hand out. You quickly passed him the mask while everyone’s attention was diverted. For a second, your face was visible to him as you raised your head. 

“I’m trusting you, Dio Brando. Don’t kill us,” You whispered. He gazed at you for a moment. 

“I won’t let you get hurt, Y/n,” He muttered, before looking back at everyone. 

“Is this it how it all ends?” He asked. 

“Neither of them will see the inside of a cell this night,” The apothecary said, making George stop and turn around. “The devil smiles on the both of them.”

Dio walked towards Jonathan. “Jojo, I want you to be the one to put the cuffs on me. Please, brother.”

“All right,” Jonathan agreed, taking a set of chains from one of the officers. Dio glanced at you in the corner of his eye as your wrists were seized and locked in front of you. 

“Careful, they’re both sly ones,” Speedwagon warned. 

“Jojo, it was hubris that led me to this ignominious end,” Dio smiled sadly. “This fall from grace has taught me well. However one may scheme and disassemble, my downfall this night is part of the human condition, a condition I now forsake.”

“Wait, forsake?” Jonathan asked. “What do you mean?”

“You see, I’m about to become much more!” Dio exclaimed, pulling the stone mask from his sling along with the blade as the fabric tore away from him. “Help me shed this mortal skin.”

“Mother’s mask! But how?” Jonathan gasped. 

“Brando!” You yelled as the police readied their guns. “Run!” The chains at your wrists fell to the ground along with the pin you used to pick the lock as you whipped your blade out and rammed it into the neck of one of the officers holding you. 

“Fire at will men!” The inspector shouted. 

“Idiot! What are you doing?!” You yelled, jumping back from the officer. 

“Jojo, your blood is the key!” Dio yelled, thrusting the knife towards him. However, the person the blade stuck was not Jonathan, but his father. 

“Oh my God!” Speedwagon exclaimed as everyone gasped in surprise. You growled in frustration and swiped the officer off his feet, catching him before he could fall, and slashed your blade across his neck, killing him almost instantly. 

“You’re mad! You saw what that did to that man!” You yelled as Dio cackled and placed the mask on his face. You watched in horror as we wiped his hand down the surface of the mask, smearing it with George’s blood. 

“Shoot that maniac!” The inspector shouted. 

“NO! BRANDO!” You screamed, eyes widening as every officer fired at him through the burst of light from the mask. You felt your heart stop in your chest as Dio fell back through the window, shattering it into a thousand pieces. You felt fear consume you. Dio...the mask...there was no way in hell it could have transformed him that fast before the first bullet struck him. Your feet started moving before you could even think and you were running towards him. The end of your cloak was snagged by the man on the floor, who you presumed was dead, but still must have had a single ounce of life left in him. Without thinking, you broke the clasp on your cloak, breaking free from the grasp, and ran towards the motionless blonde as the light in the eyes of the mask died out, and his head lolled to the side. You felt someone grab you and kept you from running forward. You thrashed around in their gasp, kicking, hitting, and clawing at their arms, trying to get them to drop you. You felt an overwhelming feeling of horror wash over you as you struggled around. He broke you the promise. He told you he wouldn’t let you get hurt. But as you watch him lay dead on the ground, you’ve never felt the amount of pain in your heart as you did now. Your hand reached out towards his body.


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