She's alive (& well I think 😉)

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Okay first, before y'all come whooping my ass about why this isn't a chapter; my two week break isn't up yet. 😭

I just wanted to check on y'all & speak to you guys for a minute. Is that okay? I'm tryna be a caring author! 💀❤

How are you guys doing? How have you been? How has school been? What's new in ya life?

I genuinely wanna know, so spill some tea sis. 😌

If you're wanting to know how I've been, well..... I'm okay.

I'm here, but I'm really not here if you know what I mean.

Honestly I'm pretty bored with life. I'm bored now more than ever because I havent been updating.

And in truth, I haven't really written a chapter since last week. ☹️

& don't get me started on school, g.

I'm really close to dropping out. Honestly.

The meetings, the work piling up, them calling me all the fucking time. It's too fucking much for me.

Buuuut, I managed to turn in a good amount of work I missed (which really isn't alot). I got all my high school credits for this semester, so I'm good. 😌

And the Sims has been taking over my life literally. That's all I play, & have been playing since quarantine.

I think I'm addicted. Send help. 🥴🥴🥴

If you think I'm lame, say it then. Go ahead. 💀 but aye , I ain't changing for nobody! I'll play the Sims as much as I want! 💀💀💀

As far as this book goes, I'm definitely ready and excited to get back to updating. These next chapters may just be my favorites. I mean, idk what'll happen, but I'm excited nonetheless.

The next writing streak (Christmas with Nae) will begin Sunday, December 13th. Mark ya calenders 😌

& I have a surprise with this streak, but you won't know until I tell you. 😂

Next week is exam week for me, but these teachers ain't prepared they damn self so ion really gaf about em. They don't be serious about it enough & it makes me not take em serious.

What else?

Oh, I believe I mentioned something about creating a Discord channel for us to communicate & chill in.

Y'all didn't really sound too excited (excuse me for being polite 😕☠️) about it, but I made it anyway. Somebody gon appreciate me being hella social (or trying) with my readers.

Whenever y'all change your mind, my Discord tag is Nae#1155. The server's name is Tea Time with Nae. Why? Cause I'm bound to spill some tea. 😌

Yeah, y'all gon head & join me! How many times I gotta prove to y'all that I'm NOT a murderer? Damn 🤦🏾‍♀💀

My chapters are proofread, written, & ready to be served out to you guys soon. I promise you won't have to wait any longer (although it's only been a week) for a new chapter. ❤💯

That's all I have to say. I hope to see you guys again soon loves.

Remember to drink water, pamper yourself, cleanse your soul, & stay off of social media!

Until next time. (😈)

- nae 💋

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