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Temple City, California

Annalisa Green -- February 27th, 1993
Location: 1341 Evergreen St.

To make up for our missed movie night, Michael managed to turn my backyard into a complete theater while I was out helping Aunt Jolene get groceries

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To make up for our missed movie night, Michael managed to turn my backyard into a complete theater while I was out helping Aunt Jolene get groceries.

It was well into the night, maybe nine fourty-five, when we finished our grocery shopping. After I helped put everything in its rightful place, I started to go upstairs until a small beam of light caught my eye from outside.

"Who's out there?" I asked Aunt Jolene.

She shrugged. "You know ain't no one here but Harry and Michael. So one or the other." I laughed. "I'm gone go 'head and soak myself in some bubble bath, and go to sleep chile."

"Good night then." She pressed a kiss to my forehead making me smile.

"I love you, sweet pea."

"I love you, too."

As she traveled upstairs, I grabbed a bottle of water before going outside to see who was out there. I should've known it was Michael the moment I saw pink and red rose petals thrown on the sidewalk, leading to the huge white screen and projector, followed by a couch with a blanket sitting there, and a large bowl of popcorn and mixed candles beside it.

Michael stood there, hands behind his back, dressed in silk pajamas with a soft loving smile on his face. He watched as I slowly approached him, checking out what he managed to put together in what might've been a short time.

Once I made it to him I wasted no time wrapping my arms around his neck, initiating a tight hug. The smile on my face was permanent for the rest of the night.

"You didn't have to do this," I said, pulling away enough to look at his handsome face. "Your apology was enough."

As he smiled at me his hands inched down to my waist. "I promised to watch a movie with you, and that's what I'm going to do. I shouldn't have stood you up that night," he said, leaning in to kiss my forehead after. "Let's do things right, yeah?"

I nodded. After we shared a very soft and subtle kiss, he turned me towards the door, urging me to go upstairs to get dressed in my pajamas. More petals, candles, and a smaller matching silk pajama set was waiting for me in my room.

Now that I've finished getting myself ready, we now cuddled under the blankets as the projector flashed the movie on the snow white screen. We finished watching Modern Times, and now ventured onto a classic Disney film. Peter Pan.

A Place With No Name (revamped)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant