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Los Angeles, California

Michael Jackson -- July 1st, 1994
Location: 1 World Way; Los Angeles International Airport

Michael Jackson -- July 1st, 1994Location: 1 World Way; Los Angeles International Airport

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Ana was leaving today.

As much as I hated it, I was so very happy that she has the opportunity to travel the world. She's able to experience the wonders and magic from the different cultures and bask in the beauty of each city. It was amazing. I was so proud of her.

We held onto each other tightly genuinely afraid to let go. It was almost like she wasn't leaving for just a month — it felt like she was leaving for a year. And I could tell that everyone in the house was just as distraught as I was.

I backed up only a little bit to place as much kisses as I could on her lips. Her sweet laughs was what kept me smiling even though I wanted to do a dramatic cry.

Madeline was also leaving with her, to work on the cosmetic collection further. She was truly one of my great friends and I was just as sad to see her go. I was just as proud of her on the other hand. Since knowing Ana, she's been nothing but great to her as a friend and they've only grown closer than ever over time. There's no doubt; Madeline deserves this opportunity.

"Are you going to miss me as much as I miss you?" I asked, tightening my arms around her waist.

"I'm gonna miss you more than you miss me, that's for sure," she smiled against my chest. "This is gonna be a long month."

I nodded in agreement. "It is. I want you to call me everyday, you hear me? Everyday."

"Even when I'm in meetings?"

"Especially in meetings." Ana laughed as I pecked her lips. "Tommy will understand."

She cuddled up to me, just as it was announced that she could board Tommy's private jet. "Okay. I have to go now. I love you so much."

"I love you just as much, baby." I quickly kissed her again. "Call me when you land!"

"Copy, chief!" She said as she walked away, her security guards following. "Bye, Bill! Bye Nate! Wayne too! I love you guys!"

"We love you, too, Firefly." Bill chuckled as they waved.

I gave Madeline a quick and tight hug, voicing how proud I was of her before she hurried away to board the plane.

We watched as the plane took off only moments later, then we headed back to Neverland.

Upon arriving, Raye was sitting on the small stairs chatting with Mac. I could tell that he just got there because his parent's car was sitting in front of the house.

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