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Calabasas, California

Michael Jackson -- February 25th, 1993
Location: 23582 Park South St; Brooke Sheilds' home

Next morning, I woke up on the floor with a pounding headache. I couldn't remember much from last night and I cursed myself for getting that intoxicated.

Carefully I sat up and sighed looking at my surroundings. I really cannot remember who's home this was. And how did I get here—oh! My shoulders dropped as slight panic washed over me. Annalisa is going to kick my ass.

As soon as I started to stand Brooke emerged from the hallways. She dressed as if she was going somewhere. However, she stopped walking once she saw me and showed me a surprised smile. "Michael! I didn't know you were still here!"

"Um," I cleared my throat, starting to stand to my feet. "Yeah, I was out for.... what time is it?"

"Oh, it's one in the afternoon!" My eyes widened. "Are you supposed to be somewhere, or?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes, I have to call Bill."

Brooke frowned at that. "Why don't I just drop you off? I mean, I'm on my way out anyway so I might as well jus—"

"No!" I interrupted, shyly looking away. "It's fine. Bill is just around the corner."

"O-kayy...." Her eyebrow raised. "I can just lock up when you leave, then."

I nodded silently. She showed me where her telephone was so I could make the call. When Bill answered he was upset and wondering where the Hell I had been all night. I quickly explained as best as I could because I really couldn't remember much. And of course, he ended his lecture with "Firefly is going to be so angry with you."

As I sat on the couch and waited for that familiar car horn, Brooke sat next to me with a glazed donut and a bottle of water held out for. I took it with a thanks and bit into the delicious sweetness.

"I know that you're not going to take painkillers, so I bought you that water, and there's some warm lemon water for that headache," she explained as she watched me eat.

"Thank you," I mumbled. "How drunk were we?"

Brooke chuckled nervously. "Pretty damn drunk? I can say it's my fault. I think I remember peer pressuring you to drink more because we were having such a good time."

"Really?" I frowned, hearing Bill outside.

We both stood up, heading towards the door. "Yes, I really apologize for that. I shouldn't have listened when you denied me fifty million times" she sighed softly. "I understand if this can't happen again."

You're damn right it won't, was what I wanted to say. But instead I kept a small smile on my face and told her that we would talk soon. Afterwards we walked out, me heading to the car and her heading to hers.

When I was one foot inside I turned around and called her name. Brooke looked at me with a wondering look. "Was that all that happened?"

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