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Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Michael Jackson -- September 16th, 1993
Location: Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Michael Jackson -- September 16th, 1993Location: Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Karen followed me out to the car with a handful of fan mail. Tonight was crazy! This has been one of the best shows I've had since tour started again. Tons of flowers, red roses and daisies, were thrown. I've received an abundance of mail and.... other gifts that I shall not mention.

Tonight I felt truly loved. I felt like the world was on my side in the midst of all this craziness. That's all I've ever wanted. To feel like I'm human, to feel in a humanly way.

I slid in the back of the car with a genuine smile on my face. The mail instantly fell out of my arms and onto the floor, as did Karen's. She let go of the envelopes with a laugh, sighing shortly after.

"I can't believe you've gotten all of this mail in one night! That's a record," she exclaimed.

I nodded in agreement. "This definitely tops all the mail I had during the Victory tour." I giggled. "There was so much to count that night!"

"Exactly, right!"

The way back to the hotel was full of fun and laughter between us. Karen and I have never went this long without talking, and especially on tour. I guess I've just been in my own little world lately. This world where I'm not attacked and being picked on publicly.

When we arrived behind the hotel, I could hear my fans in the front chanting my name. I guess the look-a-like plan worked. They already think that I'm here.

Quickly and effectively we headed inside, greeting and thanking the chefs who were cooking in the kitchen. We stepped inside of the elevator together and waited.

"We should celebrate tonight! LaVelle wanted to show you this new game he made up, with the beers and all that? He thinks tonight is the perfect night to try it out," Karen said, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Thanks, but I should go back to my room tonight."

She frowned. "Awe, are you sure? We haven't did anything as a team together all tour! Oh, and Ana Banana can come as well! We all miss you two." I let out a sigh. She stepped closer to me, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I know that it hasn't been too great lately, but you guys need a time to relax and have fun. I critically recommend that you two come down tonight. And if Ana's sleepin' right now, tell her to come down tomorrow night. You guys deserve some fun time, so take the chance."

A Place With No Name (revamped)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora